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About Lossy

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  • Birthday 03/22/95

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  1. rather have people download untrusted programs to cheat than open up console to cheat
  2. not really because you can use selectstringtableentryindvar to turn on unlimited radar lol
  3. would be a bit unfair because of my rep, no?
  4. script errors within the maps, can easily be fixed. it's like on apocalypse you notice how the server lags when the fire trap is activated? because it has a script error mikey can turn off logging to stop the maps from crashing the server but then future crashes we won't be able to tell what causes it.
  5. for what ever reason they add 800 odd more material assets than any other dr map and i have no idea why and it causes the material limit to go over 2400
  6. why was meatboy added? it was clearly stated in the cfg to not add meatboy @MiKeY
  7. swear i've fixed that problem a 100 times
  8. has the rotation been updated?
  9. rip undercover me
  10. " ban everyone who actis " are you serious about this statement?
  11. yes because 1 person = the whole of raid anymore posts about this matter within this topic will be deleted and if you carry on you won't be able to post. This is about jwofles map and what he's adding not what you think is right or wrong.
  12. Having concern about little things like you are about some script that isn't even made by xenon and has been public on the internet for over 5 years now because the script has been public for over 5 years now(probably longer, going back to the first CoD most likely) and all it does is constantly loop an effect on player origin, not really much to learn from. Hardly a sudden change about some script that's public. Also i'm just against people taking stuff and not giving where credit is due. Now stop your moaning and let this topic stay about jwofles map, if you want to moan about what bosnian said feel free to take it to pm's.
  13. if i actually cared i could easily take you offline and still can not hard to constantly block one IP
  14. But there only so many ways for it to be efficent and what bosnian is telling him to use is one of the best ways. If he wants to make it better then he can do it through asset manager not through gsc. then only person being "pedantic" is you. btw the wheel example is a retarded one because they might use their own design and groove but how the wheel works in a lot of cars are pretty much the same. Jwofles can just use a different trail design and change some settings in asset manager and it will still act differently and look different even with the same GSC script. and no one would notice unless they decompile the map
  15. bit like you ayy lmao