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Everything posted by Lossy

  1. i like playing with a group of people and i've been wanting to do custom map gta races for awhile now :)
  3. type !regtest ingame. Probably should give it to OwO since he responded first
  4. What resolution do you play at?
  5. spoiler alert I haven't planned anything :troll: as of yet
  6. you are aware that "wingzor source" is still braxi's source right? he just reanmed anything that was braxi to wingzor. pretty obvious when you have parts like wingzor.cba.pl in the edited source :lol:
  7. https://vine.co/v/O0gIJqpxD1u
  8. I found troll listening to this over and over again - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SPMmE04NB8E he feels like EA now.
  9. im more worried about why the map looks like he's on mars
  10. top right
  12. probably just a bug on the site.
  13. i hope you get declined u ugly cunt
  14. It doesn't matter about how long you've been an raid admin, it matters if you have the skills to do the job and troll thinks you do as well. It's the same with server manager, you don't have to be a server admin to get server manager, you just need the skills to become one. Specially since server manager isn't to do with administrating the server, it's looking after the servers/website and trying to improve it, Which i hope one day Mikey will become since he does a damn good job at it. Only difference between getting lead admin and server manager is to be lead admin, you kinda need to be server admin so troll can see how good of an admin you are and if you have the skills to become one, where as server manager is more about knowing how to handle a server and being able to develop new things for it which you don't do as a server admin.
  15. Let me explain to you what the "lead admins" do so you don't forget in the future. Lead admins help decide who gets to be an admin, they're also to help overlook the rest of the admin team and make sure server admins are doing what they've been accepted for and help new (trail admins) learn how raid admin system works and make sure they treat everyone equally, act mature all the time ( so no moaning in the server because some one got promoted that you don't think earned it) and of course more which should be obvious now. So to get to play in this role Troll has to overlook all admins and see who has the required skills to do it. He needs to pick people that has an idea of how people act like in the server, making sure that server admin does everything correctly( giving players verbal warnings before banning, making sure the ban reason is suitable and clear), treating everyone equally(so not always choosing over their friends in situations where both partys are in the wrong), acting mature in the public server, not dick sucking to get promoted and more that a fair admin does. So no, just because him and troll talked a lot did not get him lead admin. If you think west hasn't been admin long and got promoted to early then you can say the same about troll and how i gave him ownership of raid when he was only admin for a couple of months. And as troll said, he did get some advise from other people to decide who earns it and I was one of them and i told him the best option is west since he's very active, he's not power hungry(yes i'm saying some server admins are power hungry in my eyes and it annoys me that i let them have power and i've already told troll who i think them people are), he's a very respectable person within the server and teamspeak, he comes on teamspeak and willing to get to know EVERYONE, so he has the best idea of who should get admin out of anyone else that's server admin. In all honestly west is a very down to earth person, he gives 0 fucks about admin powers, he just wants to help the community. Hell he's donated a lot, he's bloody 3rd on the top donators, doesn't that show how much he cares about this community? If you can't see why west earns it then in all honestly you clearly don't interact with enough people within this community or even gotten to know west and probably just jealous that you didn't get it. I probably shouldn't be saying this but some one has to point it out and it's also making west feeling bad about being promoted after 3 months and I'm not putting up with this bullshit with people not agreeing that west got promoted because he does a better job than them as an admin. P.S west wasn't the only option troll had in mind which is why he asked for others opinion. so remember that before saying stuff like "west was just sucking troll dick" Anyway, congratulations @West, you've earned it.
  16. Good luck, hope you pass because raid need more active admins on the fun server and you seem like the person that can do it! :)
  17. :kingdave:
  18. fuck off you irish cunt
  19. Was hoping it was a serious app to be honest :/
    1. HyperCoD


      Never seen this game b4w but cool anyway :D

    2. Beatthat


      looks like snakes on drugs with a multiplayer mode?

  20. Good luck synd, hope to see you back on the admin team :)
  21. dunno too small to see D:
  22. If I'm correct you guys are still on about CJ? if you're on about dr i'm not adding it because it would be a waste of fx's.
  23. There already a setting to disable fx's.