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Everything posted by Lossy

  1. give him his old account back
  2. no because you don't mean it. send me ones about how you aren't dutch even though you are
  3. get ur account deleted like ono. fuck man i miss ono i wanted to reply to his pm
  4. on a serious note, most of your actions are for stupid stuff compared to mine :>
  5. he was the highest bidder man
  6. says the one that takes days to setup a website and still have yet to sort his b3 out m8
  7. ye but ur too lazy
  8. power hungry bro
  9. i want to be your friend but your replys to t hese topics are doing my nuts in
  10. wot u gonna do, delete my account? m8 i'll just make a newacc with same details cuz u deleted it
  11. it was a joke because you're deleting more accounts than actually just banning/merging them
  12. ayyy stefan about to get his account deleted
  13. delete accounts is the new ban button for troll might as well just allow normal people delete their accounts as well
  14. these aren't active accounts that actually post on forums m8.
  15. prove it
  16. what happened to darmuh post
  17. i meant accounts that was actually used, pretty sure validated accounts get auto-deleted after x amount of time. inb4 im wrong but yolo
  18. rip some one deleted ono account. fun fact his account is the first ever account to be deleted on raid.
  19. Just like your signature
  20. meanwhile you got catholics touchin little kiddys like the british parliament did. british parliament confirmed to be catholic
  21. Not without knowning the asset manager settings
  22. https://gyazo.com/bf871adf93bcb00b594acddf39fae4ee religion of peace bro
  23. probably in the mod yeah, but not where ever this is looking for.
  24. You're missing the material file
  25. yeah man, who's going to steal his new gf?