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Everything posted by Lossy

  1. Since i've pretty much spread dave across multiple clans on CoD4, it's time to spread it to other games! My first victim - http://cloud-4.steampowered.com/ugc/38603090471169201/19F6D47E54EFAE652737194E53B97A6336675845/ !

    1. Pixel


      damn I don't think I've seen that

    2. jwofles


      Don't believe aL gave you permission there yossl.

    3. Cat


      yssol, I get the refernce ;)

    4. Show next comments  150 more
  2. guys please stop fighting it's a map, don't need to turn into braxi now :troll:
  3. Rotu might have the function, decompile the FF and check.
  4. no, but you'll need that function in your scripts for it to work.
  5. ye but you can do guy.name + " text" instead of "" + guy.name + " text"
  6. players = getAllPlayers(); // Gathering all players on the server if( !isDefined( players ) || isDefined( players ) && !players.size ) // Making sure players are defined aka actual players return; num = randomInt( players.size ); // picking a random player guy = players[num]; // randomplayer is now defined as "guy" function to get all players getAllPlayers() { return getEntArray( "player", "classname" ); } something like this? From deathrun
  7. or you can post and get it for free :yay:
  8. but it's free
  9. i could of got skyrim from you but i declined your offer :dave:
  10. i want it so i don't have to pay for it
  11. Done
  12. They're still there, just in spectator cuz server cannot add more than white to jumpers and acti Serious note, the build with colour in names crashed the server, so we're using another server build until it gets fixed.
  13. go spectator to get other colours :p ye you can, go spectator.
  14. No Slap slaya?
  15. Darmuh please may you re-upload? :dave:
  16. Zack has resigned due to certain reasons, please don't message him about admin stuff as he won't be able to do anything about it. Gud luck zack :dave:

  17. All servers including the website will go down at 1PM GMT+1 27th of September, which is about 5am for majority of you americans, they'll be down for a maximum of 1 hour. The downtime is for the dedibox as it needs updating so don't expect any changes to any of the servers.
  18. Yes Do you think your parents are hot? huehuehue
  19. What's the point of making a video about him? is he really worth the effort of doing so? :horror:
  20. Apple, specially green one's, they just taste much better than Android's man. Wait a second.... THIS IS A YES OR NO ANSWEAR YOU PLEB! Yes or No?
  21. inb4 kevinos bans you from ar51 servers because you play on raid and he finds out who host raid servers :troll: Welcome to the forums :Dave:
  22. CBACBACBACBACBACBACBACBACBACBA YES Can you answer this question correctly?
  23. #LossyRam
  24. http://imgur.com/a/PEPOn i iz still working on, pretty much what's done(apart from options and hud stuff), stats, characters, trails and some other stuff are still WIP will show pics soon :dave: