
Retired Admin
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Everything posted by Grezwal

  1. Just a suggestion but maybe some buildings in the background or some other smaller pyramids. And that fence kinda makes it look country/western even the gun. Maybe you could go with one of those kind of themes. Actually your map reminds me of indipyramid. Very good
  2. very nice
  3. instead of taking it out can you disable the trap? becuase apoc is a very good map.
  4. not if you are good :> huehue :dave:
  5. Good luck dewd make a greatadmin. (yes that is one word)
  6. Do you accept the requirements?: Yes What is your real name?: NoahWhat is your in-game name?: GrezwalHow old are you?: 15What is your primary server?: BothWhat is your B3 CID?: 165What is your Xfire?: GrezwalWhat is your Skype?: sasfa11What is your Steam?: GrezwalWhat is your Origin?: GrezwalWhat makes you a good admin?: I know the b3 commands well enough to enforce/make a ban. I am on frequently, on the Teamspeak, deathrun and fun server. Alot of times even when i'm not playing I will be in spectator watching fr hackers. I also have the comon sense to know when something is unfair to another player.What skills do you have?: I don't have any scripting skills or mapping skills, but if needed i can learn.What clans/communities/forums have you been at?: I used to play a game called Runescape for the longest time and i was extremely active and an active member in my clan. Cod4 wise i have been a Styx Recruit, i was a Blu Fanboi, but now i am a FISH member and a Raid Fanboi. Why should we choose you?: I think you should choose me because i love the raid community, i join each server almost daily. I frequently watch the funserver for hackers so i can make a demo and send it in to an admin. Sometimes (alot of the time) when i'm doing homework i will spectate in the fun server and watch out for hackers, i have sent in numerous demos (i still have them if you need to see them). I know the b3 commands well enough to make/enforce a ban, I am friends with most if not all the admins, I would like to think i have a good sense of humor. If i am given the privilege to moderate in the raid community i am sure you will not be disappointed with me.
  7. thats pretty damn cool.
  8. Welcome to the community hope you have a nice stay. :Dave:
  9. welcome you sexy sob
  11. Loki brother of Thor
  12. not enough posts but i do see you on the server alot
  13. spammed me to buy him vip.
  14. i see him on the server alot.
  15. GRATS mates
  16. GRATS Thomas!
  17. Do you accept the requirements?: Yes What is your real name?: Noah LanningWhat is your in-game name?: GrezwalHow old are you?: 14What is your primary server?: BothWhat is your B3 CID?: 165What is your Xfire?: GrezwalWhat is your Skype?: sasfa11What is your Steam?: GrezwalWhat is your Origin?: GrezwalWhat makes you a good admin?: I think what would make me a goo admin is that i like to play on both servers frequently and i see lots of rule breaking. I like to keep orderly chaos.What skills do you have?: I am very educated i make all A's when i try. My vocabulary is immense in size, I have NO programming skills but if someone can teach me :). I think i can map if i put some work into it but i can't script.What clans/communities/forums have you been at?: I was a Styx recruit for a while but was denied for unsaid reasons, I used to be a Blur fanboy, I am currently in FISH Gaming. Why should we choose you?: I think you should choose me because I play on the server quite a bit. It eats at me when i see a rule breaker and they are affecting another players experience with cod4. I am a friendly guy if you come across me at the right time. I am quite active on the Deathrun and Fun server. I feel like if and when the time came i would be perfectly capable of making an effective decision. also although i am 14 going on 15 Jan 28th :) i feel am a mature person.
  18. What does level matter?
  19. High rise is like that too
  20. Plays ALOT in the deathrun server. Good Luck
  21. Remeber kitties: JUST because their GOOD DOESN'T mean they are HACKERS.
  22. hey you should come on the TeamSpeak server! would be nice to talk to you. but i have also never seen you before.