Do you accept the requirements?: Yes
What is your real name?: Dakota
What is your in-game name?: Flaccid
How old are you?: 19
What is your primary server?: Deathrun, Promod, CJ, and sometimes the Fun server
What is your B3 CID?: @19095
What is your Steam?:
What makes you a good admin?: I am a very nice and kind person to everyone that I meet and know, also I am very respectful to anyone new that i meet. I have never been in anyway disrespectful to another person on the servers and have never gotten a warning. I have spent a lot of time on ts and have reported several hackers to the admins and have also helped some the admins catch hackers, also with this time spent I have gotten to know how to use some of the admins commands. With the amount of time that I have played Promod I can tell a legit player from a player that is cheating.
What skills do you have?: Honestly I have very little knowledge with coding, but when I was in school I took a graphics design class and with this class I was able to use c++, Photoshop, and Adobe Flash on a daily basis. I got to be pretty decent with Photoshop, but with c++ I barely understood how to use it. And the same thing happened with Flash, I just could not get the grasp on how to use Flash. Other than being half way decent at Photoshop I have no other remarkable skills unless if you count me being able to say "May I use the bathroom?" in Spanish.
What clans/communities/forums have you been at?: 3xp', [AR51], nN, pXg, and IceOps
Why should we choose you?: I am a very active member on the servers and on Teamspeak and with the amount of time that I have spent on the servers I have gotten to know many of the players in the community. I have reported many hackers to admins either on ts or on steam and like I said previously I am a very respectful, kind, and mature person and have never disrespected a fellow player or admin on the servers whatsoever. I am a very calm and reasonable person, so I can handle a situation between two players very well and in a respectful manner.