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Everything posted by Chris

  1. Some are Plural and some are not. Looks much better when they are all plural or not. Small suggestion. Regards, @Chris
  2. spoiler FTW. :dave:
  3. Congratulations noobs! :dave: :dave: :dave: :dave:
  4. Fair enough, lazyness overrules all.
  5. +1 @@Anti :xd: I still don't think enough have applied, but you are closing it. Makes so much sense. -1 You can just Final Accept or Decline without closing it? @ Just saying
  6. Ohhh I'm excited, will give it a try soon!!
  7. I would say Fun Server, liek others said. It can be pretty annoying in Promod, it takes the idea of it away. Little bit OP maybe. Deathrun is like a no go, Fun Server would be your best option.
  8. It's fun too read all of these, Raid history FTW.
  9. Congratulations guys!
  10. Hi all, My name is Chris, how obv :troll: , I am 19 years old from the Netherlands. Going to study Media Technology (Web/Mobile based programming). I was member in AR51 and in nN|. Now I'm the Founder/Administrator of iC3. An old name given a new life. I play all kinds of cod4 but enjoy Deathrun the most. I really like the Raid Community and your forum! You probably will see me on your servers sometimes! See you around! Regards, @Chris
  11. Thanks everyone!
  12. You again, will you ever leave me alone :blink: :rage: @@Tinman