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Everything posted by WabbaJ@ck

  1. Looks good.
  2. Virginity
  3. Never go full retard...

    1. WabbaJ@ck


      Well, I don't read the script, the script reads me...

    2. Triton
    3. WabbaJ@ck


      Man, I don't drop character 'till I done the DVD commentary.

    4. Show next comments  3 more
  4. How do you even measure how far you strafe?
  5. Just put a lightgrid around the map and add some music please, other than that, it's a good map
  6. This proves that windows 10 is bullshit
  7. Looks good
  8. 347 profile views, shite m7.

    1. siikdude


      Why do you live in Norway

    2. Lossy
    3. WabbaJ@ck


      Had to move...

  9. Would be dope!
  10. Wish u made this when I registered.
  11. 300 profile views, wow.

    1. BosnianArmy


      I got alot more :dave:

    2. WabbaJ@ck


      #i got wrecked

  12. The most important thing is taste right? Not how it looks...
  13. Wohoo, today is the first day I ate food!

    1. BosnianArmy
    2. WabbaJ@ck


      I'm on a strict diet where I consume only liquids, esentially water. 2 days a go I ate food. I haven't eaten in two whole weeks.

  14. The pelmenis are so good :D
  15. Thanks, idk whats wrong with the spoilers.
  16. From where I come from (Canada) We eat: Canadian bacon with maple glaze Corn Pancakes Canadian Day cake
  17. Ok, I can help you!
  18. I'm starving...

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. WabbaJ@ck


      Btw, no ones torturing me. I'm doing this for my gf, she said I need to lose some weight. I've lost like 10 kilos in 1 week.

    3. SPi


      Fast wasted fat is regained easier as far as i've been told.

      The best way of life is to eat much and exercise a lot.

      (Not that I do that i also have a small weight problem, but i have a natural tend to do action stuff. But not common sports like Soccer that i hate a lot, so thats an obstacle. If there was an airsoft obstacle course or a CQB test i could do it all day XD ) Also gf pushing you do something good for yourself is on one hand good. On the other hand you have to feel g...

    4. WabbaJ@ck


      I've also heard that later, your body will use the fat as energy.

    5. Show next comments  3 more
  19. On it, making a nuketown dr mepp m80s
  20. Hi and Welcome!
  21. GG all!
  22. isn't it deserteagle?
  23. Noice earrings bro