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Everything posted by WabbaJ@ck

  1. I adore you darmuh! Thanks for twitch! Best map ever made in my opinion!
  2. Can someone make a Nuketown deathrun mep?
  3. Nice Slowex, looks good :D
  5. Raid's been a great place to make friends and spend time. Rest In Rip my gf.
  6. Wow nice, thanks.
  7. duh heroo
  8. Hi. I've been having problems with the VIP for my girlfriend Mist. When she devmaps the map she doesn't get the weapon and model. Script: vip() { level.accepted1 = "4021c83b"; //Mist while (1) { level waittill( "player_spawn", player ); friend = getSubStr(player getGuid(), 24, 32); if((friend == level.accepted1)) { wait 1; player detachAll(); player setModel("captainamerica"); player SetViewModel("captainamericaviewhands"); player iprintln("Hey ^3Mist"); iprintln("^3Mist ^7entered the game!"); } if((friend == level.accepted1) && level.freerun == false && player.pers["team"] == "allies") { player giveWeapon("m1014_mp"); player GiveMaxAmmo("m1014_mp"); wait .05; player SwitchToWeapon("m1014_mp"); } } } There's no errors either. It works when I just give the player a weapon and model when spawning.
  9. BTW how did you make shipment? I mean, how did you get the map file? You didn't recreate the whole map did you :D
  10. Can making a LAN server work? Or adding scr testclients? I think it worked with the clients.
  11. I love activating. I want da VIP.
  12. Nice, make more.
  13. This is so fucking helpful. Thanks m8.
  14. This is what I do: 1. Record a demo (doesn't matter how long) 2. Play the demo and record it with MSI Afterburner (google it) 3. Open up Sony Vegas and render that shite down (add some color corrections and some color curves) GOOD LUCK!
  15. https://github.com/BraXi/CoD4_DeathRun_1.2_Mod
  16. Hello Raid! My name nicknames are WabbaJ@ck, Wabba or WabbaJack. My real name is Adrian and I am 19 years old. I've been playing Deathrun for over 4 years now and I have to say that Braxi really did a great job :D I am a fan of him :D I have made some Deathrun maps before but I've never released them. I tought myself how to code from here, Raid. Raid is an awesome place and I hope I will get along. Thank you :D
  17. Hello! Have fun! Wait, why am I talking to myself?
  18. its a player model
  19. What is this abomination?