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Everything posted by WabbaJ@ck

  1. Lossy likes poo on toast OMG I shat myself :troll:
  2. Don't tell me you came here to look at her ass...

  3. My name is very unique...

  4. 46 views... ermagerd, im so popular

  5. My suggestion: Record a demo, play it and record it with MSI Afterburner. Done. Still, this tutorial is very helpful :D
  6. Whai u haev a BigMac?
  7. Well I meant the screenshots. They look freaking epic. Looks like someone has a talent :troll:
  8. Nice tutorial, very informational :D
  9. Hello, your maps are awesome!
  10. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RPw1IeYvse4
  11. I will gladly join...
  12. What is the difference between ambientPlay and musicPlay? I find musicPlay much better because I can have both the main music of my map and endroom music in a loop without any problems. Thank you :D :wat: :angryarnold: :troll:
  13. Why do I always think your name is Bathat? :wat: :wat: :wat: :wat: :wat: :wat:
  14. This was requested by: Jumpy, Monster and some dudes in Skype. This is just to show how to import the weapons, because I've noticed a lot of people have been asking for it on Raid. Step 1. Go to CFG Factory and download a weapon. I will be using the M1911 from Black Ops 2. Once you downloaded the weapon, open it, copy all the folders (not the mod.csv) and paste them in your "raw" folder. Step 2. Now go to your raw/maps folder and look for a csv that has your maps name. If there is no such csv file just make one in notepad++ and save it in the raw/maps folder. From the weapon file you downloaded, open the mod.csv, copy everything from there and paste it in your maps csv. Step 3. In your maps IWD you need to have these folders (copy and paste them from the weapon folder you downloaded) images sound materials weapons Step 4. In your maps .gsc you need to precache the weapon files: Have this in your main thread: PreCacheItem("weaponfilename"); //mine was PreCacheItem("colt45_mp");// it replaces the default colt45 Step 5. When you're going to compile your map, update your zone file by copy and pasting everything from the mod.csv, then save and rebuild fastfile! ENJOY!
  15. It's an honour to meet you, sir.
  16. I'm getting some shitty errors when compiling so I am going to reinstall the modtools, therefore remake the map :( :angryarnold: :angryarnold: :angryarnold: :angryarnold: :angryarnold: :angryarnold:
  17. So I can call it whatever I want? Thanks :D The map is called mp_dr_colorful Sorry my bad :angryarnold:
  18. I replaced it with m1014. Is that ok?
  19. Thanks Lossy :D But the colt45 isn't modified in the Raid dr mod right? If it is I can replace it with something else.
  20. I friggin rocked Jumper :troll: