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About WabbaJ@ck

  • Rank
    Advanced Member
  • Birthday 06/22/98

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  1. I'm starving...

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. WabbaJ@ck


      Btw, no ones torturing me. I'm doing this for my gf, she said I need to lose some weight. I've lost like 10 kilos in 1 week.

    3. SPi


      Fast wasted fat is regained easier as far as i've been told.

      The best way of life is to eat much and exercise a lot.

      (Not that I do that i also have a small weight problem, but i have a natural tend to do action stuff. But not common sports like Soccer that i hate a lot, so thats an obstacle. If there was an airsoft obstacle course or a CQB test i could do it all day XD ) Also gf pushing you do something good for yourself is on one hand good. On the other hand you have to feel g...

    4. WabbaJ@ck


      I've also heard that later, your body will use the fat as energy.