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About WabbaJ@ck

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    Advanced Member
  • Birthday 06/22/98

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  1. What's the meaning of life?

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. SPi


      God didn't make the world a mess, humans did. Humans are the source of poverty, disease and starvation.What's the meaning of ruling the whole world? while at the end there will be nothing left? And when the Creator comes and offers you the eternal life, escape from deterioration, and salvation, you swear and curse Him and his believers? We should all realize we live in a perfect world which humans tend to destroy and make it a living hell. Humans did this mess not God. If you study as...

    3. SPi


      I guess my message was too big :P . I wanted to make an astronomy reference of how impossible is that life is just a result of randomness but anyway. To conclude, we both know it's meaningless to discuss this. But please don't offend my believes as I don't yours.

    4. WabbaJ@ck


      There is no creator or god. It's simple bullshit. So many people pray in hopes of help and/or success but nothing happens. So many pray for the end of world hunger but nothing happens. So many pray for money but still, nothing happens.

      Your "creator" is cancer, a desease. Religion makes people blind and ignorant. What I also hate is the way you talk about god. Like you want to claim that he exists. You have no proof nor do I.

      I don't want to say that god doesn...

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