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Everything posted by Thomas

  1. I thought this was 'Murica, where we can spell it as Murica'
  2. Don't forget Thomas, Thomas is great at making bad jokes and insults.
  3. Dat perfect 10 posts, sounds like applying for admin
  4. setrank <player> <rank> Done , 1 second not a big deal if you do not know how to do it
  5. Okay, no problem we'll take care of it when you get your new computer. You may want to transfer your profile either way so you retain your rank in all cod4 servers and the configs.
  6. *Downvoted*
  7. CPU will not work with that type of motherboard. Video card wiil work, but may not be able to fit inside/needs proper cooling as well.
  8. dm, tdm, snd, and hq all appear to work just fine
  9. IMO, AMD VS Nvidia is a stupid debate, and both are just fine cards. From benchmarks and personal experience, Nvidia makes higher end cards, and AMD makes medium-high range cards for a cheaper price. They're near par on with each other, and they both are just as good.
  10. Or ask a comm manager to reset your rank, we can do that via command line
  11. Just so you know there has to be waypoints on these maps for bots to work. I think that if any mappers could make waypoints, that'd be great however not sure if it is possible to add waypoints into a compiled map is the problem.
  12. And every other mod in COD4
  13. Darmuh, try putting scripts into main directory, worked for me last time.
  14. Nice looking
  15. Looks from APB mod
  16. Although keep in mind it will be almost exactly the same speeds unless there is an issue with your cod4 or computer.
  17. So sorry to hear this Anti. My heart brims with sadness knowing that this is a death of a beloved member. We will remember you forever. Anti MIA 4/1/14
  18. You should have tried harder Lossy. Upload it to an survey site, then lock the archive the rar file and say you need $5 dollar donation to get the source. Then make download corrupt so it's unopenable, and when repaired is a ZIP/Rar Bomb so that it crashes their computer :lol:
  19. Hello Moka, I find this mod very interesting personally and hope to see it do well. Looking at what you are doing and after looking at some of the videos , It looks like a very fun mod to play and has some nice potential as well. I'm sure that we could probably host the server, and it appears that everyone is quite excited and agrees with hosting a combined ops server. I hope to hear from you soon and I'm sure that the community will talk about it and see what can be done since this community has some talented mapers, scripters, and developers. Hope to hear from you soon.
  20. Actually believed you there for a while. How funny would it be if I released all the gsc's right now as an april fools joke. ha ha ha :no:
  21. Here's my reply from private area: I would agree on this very strongly. Mods like OWF, Rotu, Galactic warfare, Rozo have all died out very fast and rapidly. I can now rarely find a good server that has any of those mods and a good amount of players. Although it looks amazing and good looking, It's probably not a good idea to have a server that will sustain a very stable and loyal group of players that will play it constantly even with pezbots. If they want to play it, we can host a server every once in a while if there is enough demand for it. PS: !join deathrun doesn't work in the fun server due to menu restrictions.
  22. Wish for the best Headdy. Unfortunatly nerve cells can't be replaced, I still have some minor injuries from bad posture and a car accident, but not as bad as you have it. Get well soon on behalf of all of us.