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Everything posted by Punk

  1. Thank you, tried it with those settings, and it gave me a little bounce, but it seems while sliding, bouncing is... futile till now. For my bounce to make a difference do I have to change the strength or the Z unit can also make a difference? Can I ask you, for example, if I want to bounce a player from a platform to another, like in this pic: Will I need to use a target or something like that? Sorry for many questions, I never worked with this function before :okay:
  2. I...I don't care... Help pls :dave:
  3. Why the fuck, don't we have this one btw? Cat add ples :dave:
  4. Me wants too :kingdave:
  5. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CMX2lPum_pg&list=PLDF6B0F70352FF645&index=3 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vVy9Lgpg1m8&index=5&list=PL78FAF0DB5E2555A4 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ReBDW-4mtyo&index=1&list=PLRBp0Fe2GpgmsW46rJyudVFlY6IYjFBIK https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uzjNgWav3nk&index=3&list=PLRBp0Fe2Gpgm57nFVNM7qYZ9u64U9Q-Bf
  6. :davewub: :davesir: :kingdave: :davehair: :davedog: :davegirl: :davedj: :davelink: Thanks :dave: There isn't a goddave? :horror:
  7. I want to become either a ballerina, a Penguin, programmer or game designer as my 2nd job, I still need to fix other planets :dave:
  8. From stock snow_light_mp_bloc: Size: 15, 20, 30 - Choose which is better That's a 3 min work, don't judge :dave: If that doesn't please you mortals, I'll try another effect and if that's not good enough I go back to blue circle thingy's :dave:
  9. Thank you for the feedback guys Tiny update: + Removed Rain/Lightning effects. - Not because of the concern for people who have bad computers, but I felt like it didn't belong for this map, even at random times, this map gives more of a "warm, blinding shitty light from heaven" king of map :dave:. Why did I added in the first place? Testing, and to see the results on that map, which proved to be unneeded. + Tweaked .vision file again - Tried 15+ stock vision files, all of them proved to be awful, the one I picked is from Cobrapilot, and tweaked it a little + Added 2 more auto traps on easy way - Fire coming from pipes + Added medium sized slides filled with spikes (Example: BigFall), where you start up with a bounce and can control with your WASD keys - Each slide will start with a bounce, and from there, keep calm and on the end land on the pipe to go back to the course. Each way will have 2 slides. + Added a blue orb like effect for the teleport locations Hard way will take more time, as it's in closed doors, meaning you won't see the bloody shinny sky like on easy way, so lighting will be a nightmare (If you see the sky on a later picture, is because I give up :dumb: ). And not only that, for me to do the hard way, I am not sure myself if it's hard enough, if I complete it with ease, it's bad, if I can't pass any trap, is bad, which is why I said I need some "pro" bouncers to test when it's in almost done. Note #1: After completing hard way you will be rewarded 250xp(Can be discussed)
  10. + Tweaked Worldspawn settings + Changed .vision file settings + Redone Activator Path + Changed some traps to look good on the new update + Added some auto traps on Hard Way + Changed effects again - Hard way W.I.P - Lava effects not good yet - Lighting on Hard way T.B.C Images of the new look of the map: Images of the new look of the map with rain/lightning: This was just a small update, but would like the opinions on these statements/questions: -Remove bounces on Activator way? (NOTE: If activator fails to bounce, he will NOT die, but will be teleported to the NEXT trap, as the disadvantage of following behind on the jumpers would be bad, if you fall accidentally and get teleported to the next trap, you won't be able to come back [might change this]) -Keep Rain on bounce, remove it, or let it happen in random times (will rain randomly, will not change anything on difficulty, just appearance) -World light on map (Glow etc...) Don't know if I forgot any other little updates, but would appreciate some feedback as always! (Some real feedback, not just saying if it's good or bad, ty, but you can say that in it's final form :dave: )
  11. Tutorial Request: Lightning/Thunder/Rain w/ sound (Yes I can put those effects, but not the sound :dumb: ) Ty :dave: :wub:
  12. Yeah forgot to mention, I do have a .vision file, the fimtweaks was just an experiment, of course not going to use them, and the .vision file had wrong settings and with Glow disabled, I tweaked a little + worldpsawn settings, and It looks much better now. Currently Working on Hard way :O
  13. http://www.moddb.com/tutorials/scripting-2-variables http://wiki.modsrepository.com/index.php?title=Call_of_Duty_4:_CoD_Script_Handbook http://www.codjumper.com/forums/viewtopic.php?t=4011 http://www.zeroy.com/script/ Good luck :dave: Also stop posting useless stuff guys :o
  14. You can do as darmuh said, the options below is for the fimtweaks, or you can use this code: <entity> setClientDvars( "r_filmusetweaks", 1, "r_filmtweaks", 1 , "r_filmtweakenable", 1, "r_filmtweakinvert", 0, "r_filmtweakdesaturation", 0, "r_filmtweakdarktint", "1 1 1", "r_filmtweaklighttint", "1 1 1", "r_filmtweakbrightness", 0,"r_filmtweakcontrast", 1, "cg_fovscale", 1); But I recommend the first one, as you can also add Glow afterwards, and it's more appropriate. The 2nd one is only viable if you need to change filmtweaks only. You can change the values as you wish.
  15. Ragequit :dumb:
  16. name: godpowah Division: God I Region: Sky :dumb:
  17. Thanks guys for feedback, the problem (I think), is that the filmtweaks options overwrite whatever you had before, when I tested, after leaving game (/quit), I tested again, and my vision was back to normal, NORMAL, meaning I don't know if it goes back for people who have configurations. I might tweak the worldpsawn settings, to be more "bluish" and brighter. So I may take the filmtweaks off, sorry for those who I liked. (Was just a test anyway to see how fabulous it looked :dave: ) I've also changed activator's path, you have some bounces to overcome to reach other traps Note: If you fail you will be teleported forward, meaning even if you fail, you can still move on, this is for the activator not be too behind the jumpers location, if people do not like this idea, I can take it off. Also fixed the lightning on map, activator is no longer half blind because of brightness on glass :dave: New updates will come today/tomorrow.
  18. Because of the downtime, it seems some posts above, including some pics of hard way are gone, so you can all go on xfire and blame Lossy, 10x times, he won't be bothered :dave: Didn't had much time recently, but here is a little update on the easy way: Normal picture. Picture with modified filmtweaks I took out the roof because it was causing some light problems, and also made the map size 2mb shorter (deleted lights, brushes...) Would like some feedback for the changing light and the new 10 minute effort effect, and which settings you preffer. Currently working on hard way, and later will add one more bounce at the start of easy, with no trap included. Ciao CIao :dave:
  19. Hey guys! If you have any vines that you liked, post here. And try to not post the same thing that already been posted! You can also post Compilations! https://vine.co/v/MQWIPEuuJHb https://vine.co/v/MFFrOT7QLiY https://vine.co/v/M2JEM0Q5ETZ :dumb: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x022JnOtjE8 https://vine.co/v/MQQMM5IqQMd https://vine.co/v/MID1wYYHvAP
  20. https://vine.co/v/M9w0Xanalbx https://vine.co/v/MpLp33K2Tuh https://vine.co/v/MphHWu2veqP