
Retired Admin
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Status Updates posted by Moseph

  1. Does anyone have Arma 3? If so, what do you think of it?

    1. siikdude


      i do. it's alright. altis life is fun

  2. So this is just a general question, hopefully one of the bofins can answer it :). When joining one of the servers, lets say the fun server for example, you require to have less than 500 ping to join it. But if you somehow get in, and start lagging, like me, it allows you to have 999 ping in the server?

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Moseph


      M8 u takin da pizz?

    3. iMtroll


      did someone say pizza

    4. jwofles


      troll do u want to feel my pepperoni passion

  3. Looking to get started in the graphics design area. Is there any free beginners program that I could use?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Moseph


      Thanks Cloudy for the suggestion

    3. Cloudy


      No problem, not sure if it would be help as they're not free programs but always glad to help

    4. zander ◔◡◔

      zander ◔◡◔

      Could try GIMP as an alternative to photoshop

  4. Just bought CS:GO Best mini investment :P

  5. The shoutbox is on fire (Not literally, I hope)