
Retired Admin
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Posts posted by Moseph

  1. *Major Bump*


    So in both of these pieces of code were both made in python. Yes they're are very random and something quick that I could come up with.


    The first one has three bugs in it:


    #Season finder with 3 bugs
    #input the moth of the year and the program
    #will tell you which season it is in
    month = input("Enter the month of year: ")
    month = Month.title()
    if month == "December" or month = "January" or month == "February":
        print(month,"is in Winter")
    elif month == "March" or month == "April" or month == "May":
        print(month,"is in Spring")
    elif month == "June" or month == "July" or month == "August":
        print(month,"is in Summer")
    elif month == "September" or month == "October" or month == "November":
        Print(month,"is in Autumn")
        print("Check spelling of the month.")
    input("Press ENTER to quit")
    The second one has five bugs in it:
    #Tax Calculator with 5 bugs
    salary = int(input("Please enter your annual salary: £")))
    if salary < 30000
    #Salaries under 30000 are taxed at 20%
        tax = salary * 0.2
    elif salary >= 30000:
    #Salaries over 30000 are taxed at 40% for anything over 30000
        salary = salary - 30000
    tax = salary * 0.4 + 6000
    #Salaries over 150000 are taxed at 45% for anything over 150000
        salary = salary - 150000
        tax = salary * 0.45 + 6400 + 48000
    print("Earnings of £",salray,"will attract taxes of £",round(tax,2))
    input("Press ENTER to quit")​




    There both completely random things.


  2. Do you accept the requirements?: Yes!


    What is your real name?: Harry


    What is your in-game name?: Mo:)


    How old are you?: 15


    What is your primary server?: Promod


    What is your B3 CID: @76527


    What is your Steam?: MrMo:)


    What makes you a good admin?: I have respect for everyone, no matter who they are or what they do, I'll treat them in the manner in the which they deserve. I will accept and enforce rules. I will never abuse my admin powers e.g kick or ban for a unreasonable reason :). I am a very trustworthy person and have experience in this part of the community as I have been an admin in different private communities. Sadly, after a few months had passed the community folded which proceeded me to come here. I am very active on TeamSpeak, and I'm friendly with all the admins and we never have once had an argument. I'm an extremely active member and have accumulated over six-hundred hours on Call of Duty 4 in general! I am very chatty in-game and I like talking to people and making them feel welcome. I have been asked by a numerous amount of people if they should sign up to raid and within minutes they actually did. I may only be young but I'm very mature for my age, as most of the active members members in TeamSpeak know.


    What skills do you have?: I have very limited skills that will benefit the community in such a way of coding and mapping etc.  I only know a little bit of Python, but I'm on going a course in IT to learn about the ins and outs of a computer, networks, servers and many other things! I have amazing social skills to communicate with users when they need help and can hand out great advice.


    What clans/communities/forums have you been at?: 3xP' and AR51


    Why should we choose you?: I have only reported nine hackers on the Ticket System but have told you guys when others are hacking either through TeamSpeak or in the Shoutbox and I'm always helping the admins out in banning hackers - Slaya banned three players in the space of ten minutes due to me letting him know in TeamSpeak. Whenever I get into the Promod server there is someone hacking, and others complaining (In every right). I believe I can sort that out. I would consider myself a friendly guy who gets along with everyone, and I think people like me too! We can mess about and have fun but I'm also a mature person and can deal with situations very well when needed. I can take the time to ban hackers because I'm always in the servers.


    Thanks for taking the time to read my application, have a good day!


    - Mo:)
