
CoD4 Server Admin
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About Volti

  • Rank
    Advanced Member
  • Birthday 09/09/97

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    Somewhere on the planet earth
  • Interests
    Mixed martial arts, games.

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  1. Anti is a bully ;(

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Anti


      Mhm, don't recall a trial that I haven't messed with in some way. Think it was either Mo or Mazh that I got them to believe they "somehow" had access to permanently ban players and banned the wrong one xD

    3. Moseph


      That would have been Mazh. You asked me for a demo with proof of a hacker, told me that it wasn't enough, that you were declining my application and had no trust in me for further applications xD

    4. Beatthat


      yea he called me a penis once