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About Tasijjj

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  1. Hi Does anybody know why some sounds work in multiplayer maps and some won't? For example: self playsound("minefield_click"); //does work self playsound("gate_open"); //doesn't work Those two sound are both originally in the game.
  2. Ok. For the first part I don't really see any problems.. But for the second I have some specific questions and I would really appreciate a tutorial if such exists. Or even better, if the code already exists I would be the most happy copying it, 'cause it would save me a lot of time.
  3. What do you mean by splitting the model in two?... are there any tutorials on making turrets?
  4. Thank you. It helps. Also.. another thing. Is it possible to make an usable Flak88 turret in CoD2 (like mg42)? If it is possible to use it in the singleplayer (in last mission, when you have to destroy a tiger by using Flak88), than maybe you can import the same code to use it in a multiplayer map???
  5. Can someone also explain the waittill() function, please. What does the arguments mean. Example: waittill("trigger", other)
  6. Ok. Sorry for that. Thanks for the answer. It helped.
  7. I do not have this file. Not even a radiant folder (I have installed modtools). I should have mentioned that I'm modding CoD2. Everything that I found for CoD5 or CoD4 worked fine even with CoD2 till now so I suppose this is not a problem.
  8. Hi guys. It's maybe a simple question.. I'm not very familiar with a syntax and everything so I would appreciate a quick help. Here are the problems: Can I set a random pair of key and value to a trigger_multiple in Radiant? (example: key="something", value=0) How do I get that value in the script to use it in the logical statements? (ex.: if (something==0)) How do I change the value of the key "something" in the script? (ex.: key="something", value=1) 1) I suppose you must first use thing=getEnt(value, key); // to get the entity 2) and than x = thing.something getValue(); // I am not sure how this syntax must look like... 3) and finally thing.something setValue(1); // sorry if those two statement seem funny, but I would really like to show you what I mean Thanks for the answer.
  9. I've found the files. Thanks guys.
  10. I have installed it for CoD2 (radiant and other stuff). There is only main/maps/mp in CoD2 directory, but it's empty. Is it possible for CoD2 to customize game types?
  11. I don't find any of those files in my CoD4 or CoD2 directory. Is it also possible with these games (or am I missing something)? I'm quite a beginner with this so sorry for any stupid question in advance...
  12. I've got ModTools already. I've made some maps also, but always within existing game modes. Thanks for answer though.
  13. Hi I was wondering where I could find a tutorial on creating new game types for CoD multiplayer or just editing the original ones. I would be really pleased if someone could just post a link (if such tutorial exists) or make such tutorial (from start to finish). I'm just planning to make a headquarters-like (but with respawning) game mode for me and my friend to play at our lan parties, if this information is somehow useful. Thank you very much.