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Posts posted by Tasijjj

  1. You cannot animate models in MP, instead either split the flak88 cannon into two parts, the barrel (which you'd likely want to rotate), and the rest of it which you wont.



    To code a turret you'd most likely want to rotate it in targeted location and then simply spawn the bomb shell at the end of barrel and make it move& catch colision :dave:

    Ok. For the first part I don't really see any problems.. 

    But for the second I have some specific questions and I would really appreciate a tutorial if such exists.

    Or even better, if the code already exists I would be the most happy copying it, 'cause it would save me a lot of time.


  2. Hi guys.

    It's maybe a simple question.. I'm not very familiar with a syntax and everything so I would appreciate a quick help.

    Here are the problems:
    Can I set a random pair of key and value to a trigger_multiple in Radiant? (example: key="something", value=0)
    How do I get that value in the script to use it in the logical statements? (ex.: if (something==0))
    How do I change the value of the key "something" in the script? (ex.: key="something", value=1)

    1) I suppose you must first use

    thing=getEnt(value, key); // to get the entity


    2) and than


    x = thing.something getValue(); // I am not sure how this syntax must look like...

    3) and finally


    thing.something setValue(1); // sorry if those two statement seem funny, but I would really like to show you what I mean


    Thanks for the answer.


  3. see under raw/maps/mp/gametypes. Everything that starts with "_" in name is an utility, the ones that are missing that are gametypes (sd.gsc, war.gsc, hq.gsc, etc).


    Each gametype is made of two files plus a common "logic":

    • mygametype.gsc - gametype script
    • mygametype.txt - a file, usually, referencing to gametypes name in localized string (for example "Search & Destroy" above mapname during loadscreen)
    • _globallogic.gsc - commonly used code by all gametypes present in vanilla CoD4:MW


    When adding a new gametype don't forget to insert the name of your new gametype in _gametypes.txt, no mod tools are required tbh, just pack your new files in an .iwd

    I don't find any of those files in my CoD4 or CoD2 directory. Is it also possible with these games (or am I missing something)?

    I'm quite a beginner with this so sorry for any stupid question in advance...


  4. Hi
    I was wondering where I could find a tutorial on creating new game types for CoD multiplayer or just editing the original ones.
    I would be really pleased if someone could just post a link (if such tutorial exists) or make such tutorial (from start to finish).

    I'm just planning to make a headquarters-like (but with respawning) game mode for me and my friend to play at our lan parties, if this information is somehow useful.

    Thank you very much.
