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Posts posted by MrAllstopable

  1. It looks good, needs to be a big longer though, don't listen to all the nubs above. As a non virgin, keep your hair about 2-2.5 inches long and you get all the biznitches on your dick as long as it's pushed over. Don't get your sides too tight either, I'd say a 2 would do you. (From someone who has hair dressing experience). It take's a LOT of maintaining though. Like drying it with a hair-drier after a shower, using a hairbrush on it a lot at the start to train it, and also maybe (optional but helpful) the occasional hairspray useage when it just wont sit right. Anyway, goodluck!


  2. Sounds like a lot of people are afraid of change and afraid to let go of the past. Moving to a new game will be hard, sure. There's going to be lots of problems, sure. CoD4 is 11 years old, BO3 is about a month old? Surely, it's too soon to make gamechanging (Pun intended) decisions, however, give it some time after the mod tools are released, see how things feel, and then decide. Alls I'm saying is it's best to have an open mind rather than a negative one.


  3. So guys, 

    What are some of your favourite TV shows? 

    You can post more than one, it doesn't have to be your top favourite, but just shows you really liked, a lot?


    (Point of Thread: I'm looking for some new TV shows to watch, and just generally curious as to what you guys are into).


    Here are some of mine:


    Friends - Old'n Gold! Everyone loves Friends.

    The Walking Dead - First zombie/survival show I've ever seen. It's running it's course, however, still a good show!

    Breaking Bad - Possible THE best modern TV show made?

    Empire - I'm currently watching this right now, I've just finished season one. If you like drama, music, celebrities and decent acting then you'll love this.

    Suits - A show about a lawyers involving cheeky humour & drama, brilliant show.


    There's probably more I've forgotten, but anyway, add your list!


  4. In current news, as most of you all know, France was hit with a terrorism attack alongside Lebanon.

    They hashtag #PrayForFrance has been trending alongside the French tricolour, in aim of the world showing it's support to France. I thought I would show my support also;


    (Apologies for the shitty quality image!)
