
CoD4 Lead Admin
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Posts posted by Anti

  1. 9 hours ago, Sharpienero said:

    Donators on forums will more than likely be carried over due to the fact that if you donate once on, you get life-time status on the forums. In game is a different story, though.

    We do not have a retired admin and probably will not make one. I personally feel the group gives off a false sense of power to newbies. Don't mistake this as me assuming that people who have the group have a power trip, not at all. We just don't want newcomers to feel intimidated by "retired admins".

    I shall speak to Mikey and Nick about it and try to make a list pointing out exactly what will be crossed over..

    Oh no, now I'll be unable to use my former administrative status to boss nubs around and make current nubmins ban players at my whim :okay:



  2. Highly suggest keyboard MB110

    Extremely high quality for the provided price 

    It's very light, yet durable to the point of remaining perfectly fine after I accidentally dropped a 65lbs (29.5kg) dumbbell on it

    The only real issue I have with it is the fact that sometimes one of the keys may have a delayed input response, but those are few and far between

    Best part is that not only is it perfect for most PCs, but also perfectly matches your computer's color :P


  3. 2 hours ago, BosnianArmy said:

    You mean 90% savage? :dave:

    "Savage" :dumb:

    Anyways, Giraffe can be immature from time to time and tends to not be very open to different opinions 

    He has improved though and, along with his recent dedication to Raid, I believe he should be given at least a chance as trial to see if he's capable

    @Caspa Stop jumping right into the noose and reporting false rumors m8. Next you'll be saying how @Cloudy is a sexual predator for six year olds because he plays runescape :dave: @nana As queen of the rejected would say, just shake it off and let the haters hate #FastClckrs4lyf :P 


  4. Was going to submit a song that I like, then I realized that I wouldn't be able to hear it anyways and don't even play cod4 anymore :dumb: 

    Anyways, hopefully you get a fair amount of songs 

    Not sure what your plans are on deciding which songs get picked or if you're planning to use them all (Depending on amount of submits), but don't go through with the agonizingly tedious voting thread for music that iMnub (Can't remember completely if it was music, may have been maps) and I did




  5. Cracked keys are allowed

    However, by using a cracked key and not buying a legitimate copy of the game, you're using a key that others can use and hack on

    The cracked key was used by a hacker and therefore you and anyone else who uses that key are banned as well

    You can either buy a legitimate key or use another cracked one with the risk of it being banned again 


  6. Around 5:00PM at work (bagging) a storm started happening. After about two hours of constant rain and dealing with people and their groceries, I headed home. Turns out that there was a flash flood warning that went out, however I didn't get it due to forgetting my phone at home. Well, ended up having to take some back streets since the main ones were flooded. I got home and took some pictures with my phone

    Some cars half submerged:

    A relaxing trip:

    Water up to someone's porch:

    Me being an official southern boy in my PJs:

    I would have put on my swimming suit if I could find it, but oh well. I was standing on sidewalk when my little nubster took that picture of me. The middle of the road was much deeper. Anyways, that is all :dave:


  7. 23 minutes ago, PicAZoR said:

    ehm the only player I've flamed is nana because he is an admin and he is using a macro and he is being unrespectful with almost everyone on the server. I've never flamed other good players and you can ask going into the server. I tried to get 10 posts fast because almost never there are admins and trust me there are hackers many times.

    The messages that guy linked are some stuff I've said to hackers or to guys doing ele (after I've already told them not to do it in a politely way and they have started flaming first)

    Chat logs say otherwise to both you being polite beforehand and those insults being directed to only nana (You also just said you "flamed" hackers and nubs that use ele, meaning more than nana). 


    I'm also curious as to if you mean good players in term of attitude or skills since you've insulted some before due to them getting killed or failing to complete the objective. 


    Like Stefan just pointed out, contact an admin after obtaining proof of their actions instead of resorting to insults 






  8. 16 minutes ago, PicAZoR said:

    Have you seen Nana in the server? He is using an op macro all the time with g3 and he isn't polite at all either.

    About the glitchers is annoying because every map they do that and only when admin is on I can tell to ban them or kick them for a few because they are losing time all the time

    Hasn't been determined yet if he is or isn't, but I'm sure it'll be looked into 


    As mentioned in your Promod thread, record proof and either make a ticket or show proof to an admin if the ticket system still isn't available 


    When an admin comes on and you (like you stated) say kick or ban them, then it doesn't look good on your behalf and you're telling an admin what to do (Backseat moderation)


    Also, nothing excuses rude behavior and negativity towards others (Besides calling nubs nubs)


