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Status Updates posted by atrX

  1. College, here I come.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. evensosan


      good luck jordy!

    3. BosnianArmy
    4. Anti


      It's like you think being amongst your people is a bad thing m8

  2. First Anti, then Caspa, then Triton and now Mo?! :cry:

    1. siikdude


      Because no one plays cod 4 anymore

    2. Volti


      Traitors i tell you!!

      Don't worry though, i won't leave you alone.

    3. Anti


      I blame this domino effect of retiring on Slaya's trial server manager. That truly was the point in which we lost hope :troll:

  3. The feels when you get a free GTX 660 to take home at your internship because they don't use it. :D

  4. In other news, got my temporary driver's license. :D

    1. Show previous comments  17 more
    2. Sentrex


      Depends on the person, buying a car has saved me so much money

    3. atrX


      A) I can use my mum's car if I really wanted to. B) Learn to fucking read, I just told you insurance costs more than the average student with a job can afford. Someone who just got their driver's license has to pay more than double what anyone else has to pay. You live in the Netherlands, don't even try to argue with me over things which are specific to Belgium.

    4. atrX


      Also, I have a bike which I love to use so if I wanna go somewhere I'll just use my bike. I really don't give a crap about not owning a car, I'd rather spend my money on something useful like paying for college.

  5. MFW doing a speaking exam about arachnophobia and I have arachnophobia myself. ;-; (pls no laugh)

    1. Cloudy


      Don't worry, I'm scared of spiders too :/

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. jwofles


      only 320 rep :>

    3. jwofles


      triton is on 420 posts too

    4. Volti


      I seriously have to live in the same country as this guy? Someone rescue me ;(

  6. :D

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Hana.
    3. siikdude
    4. atrX


      I should say lol instead, y u call me faggot for being happy cuz is school again. :c MEANY!

  7. 1 more week... :3

  8. Maybe bit too excited after final exam, drove my bike into a pole when wasn't paying attention and now both my legs hurt like crap and think I broke a toe, a fucking TOE.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. jwofles


      I'll suck it better.

    3. BosnianArmy
    4. Synd


      Last time I rode a bike I ended up running my neighbor over who was 9 at the time :dave:

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. atrX


      I think so, it's a free to play game though. ;)

    3. Bandit


      Yeah the trailer looks fun ill be downloading it tonight!

    4. BosnianArmy


      All 3 used :dave:

  9. 3 more exams to go after today... Ugh.

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. atrX


      Test week? Lmao, this isn't elementary school.

    3. atrX


      Again, different country, different educational system.

    4. Sentrex


      Bosnian just don't make comments about things you know fuck all about

  10. Ayy lmao, time to get drunk.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. iMtroll


      Also, you're only 17?

    3. BraXi


      +Bosnian is a muslim so he can't drink alcohol :sponge: :sponge:

    4. BosnianArmy


      @Troll, well yes and no to be honest :dave: and I'm 18 in june :awesome:

  11. Lol, previous shout got deleted. Looks like someone's butthurt. Anyways, I'm fucking done with bullshit here, so I won't be around 'till I can be fucked to deal with it again, cya.

  12. Addicted to CS:GO... ;-;

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Triton


      Its like a fcking virus. ITS INFECTING EVERYONE.

    3. Darmuh


      another one bites de_dust

    4. BosnianArmy


      I'm addicted tho :3

  13. Lossy is big meany not wanting to add my hook to forums. :okay:

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Headdy


      "my hook" what did you make? :D

    3. atrX


      Just this shitty stuff + BBCode for xf and steam banners which isn't shown cuz ya know, effort

    4. Headdy


      Make the banners look the same and the icons. :P

  14. Darmuh, please stop bitching about JWofles bitching about you bitching about him bitching. :troll: Now I'm bitching. :okay:

  15. Even cannot into Helena