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Everything posted by atrX

  1. Signature was made in 5 seconds. :troll:
  2. Too much fish, got fat quickly.
  3. Wanker.
  4. Stole my avatar.
  5. Nub.
  6. hue() { for( ; ; wait(5) ) iPrintlnBold( "Someone got your plugin somehow, kinda is your fault..." ); }
  7. Eh, not really a double post, just posting on multiple forums, which IMO is a good thing as he's contributing to multiple sites.
  8. Ugh... Bosnian... Told you to add RogueKiller...
  9. Happy b-day you nublet. :dave:
  10. CoDScript(); What is CoDScript? Basically I had this idea, which I discussed with others in UGX chat, of creating a website dedicated to providing extensive documentation on scripting for call of duty to which anyone (if verified to be a decent scripter) can contribute. At the time of writing this I've not added many tutorials yet (though, most basics are covered now I think), but there will be plenty in the future. Where can I find this "CoDScript" then? The ScriptDoc is available at The regular site at Regards, JR-Imagine.
  11. Basically everything here: Initially was meant for starting scripters. Might've used too much programmer slang for starting scripters but I'm sure you'll work it out. :dumb:
  12. Happy birthday old man! :dave: :troll:
  13. Happy birthday you nubhead! :dave:
  14. :sir: Edit: Managed to do even better: Edit 2: Dem feels when you realise Headdy did 1337 already. :c But hey, who cares, Bosnian downvoted me. :dumb:
  15. Doesn't look so cute anymore when the little fucker bites you. Just like the many mice that have bitten me, this thing will probably bite too. ;-;
  16. Oki: O_ER_T_O_
  17. Yes. Slap Bosnian?
  18. Pandora's Box, had my doubts about it being correct but then googled it. ;-; M1Y L1I1F1E
  19. Yes. Are you bored?
  20. Yes. Should we go bear-hunting?
  21. yes Should we blame Lossy?
  22. Typical Lossy being Lossy... :dave:
  23. That moment when someone really important to you is involved in a car accident and she doesn't answer her phone until an hour later.

    1. Purity


      get out me car broom broom

    2. Synd


      Is she home yet

    3. atrX


      Yeah, she got home safe, luckily. c:

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