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Everything posted by atrX

  1. 19? Young? :dumb: Yes, you're indeed new here. :troll: Jokes aside, welcome to the forums! :)
  2. Welcome to dem forums m8!
  3. It's more convenient to spawn a script_origin and link the trigger to that. Otherwise it'll become a mess in Radiant and you'd still have to NotSolid() the brush in GSC as you can't make a script_brushmodel non-solid in Radiant. ;) Edit: For you second problem, you can't hide a trigger, you need to put this line at the top of your GSC file: #include maps\mp\_utility; And then use these: hurt TriggerOn(); hurt TriggerOff();
  4. Good luck, such a nub. :troll:
  5. As far as I'm aware you can't move triggers by themselves, you could do something like this: trig = GetEnt( "trigger", "targetname" ); org = Spawn( "script_origin", trig.origin ); trig EnableLinkto(); trig LinkTo( org ); org MoveZ( 9000, 9000 ); // Lol, ignore What it does is spawn a script_origin (which is not visible ingame) at the origin of your trigger, it'll link the trigger to the origin and move it like it would do if it was linked to a brush.
  6. So I was thinking about making this map where the activator would have to chase the jumpers through a closed circuit map with multiple routes to take. He'd have a menu to activate traps from (which doesn't stop you from moving so you can still chase the jumpers) which are spread across the map. The activator gets a set amount of time to kill someone and if he doesn't kill anyone in time then everyone would teleport to an arena where they fight. If he does however manage to kill someone in time he gets extra time kill the next person and so on. Obviously the activator would have to be invincible and if he managed to fall off the map he'd "respawn" at a location where jumpers can't get (so he doesn't spawn in a horde and gets a multi-kill) that is closest to the jumpers. I've also thought of a scene for this map. High up in the trees with treehouses, platforms, ropes etc. The arena would then be on the ground, at the base of the the massive trees. I need opinions on this idea though as I don't want to work on a map which requires a ton of scripting and that actually has detail for once for it to be liked by no one.
  7. Eh... Not really... Have you ever seen Flemish written? Hearing it is one thing, but written Flemish is probably like Chinese to you. Also, Flemish is a 0 fucks given language. :dumb:Any Flemish person can speak Dutch fluently without problems, I've never heard a Dutch person speak Flemish without failing terribly. :dave:
  8. Make sure every side of a brush visible ingame is seen by atleast one reflection probe, there's no set amount for them. ;)
  9. Are you refering to spawning things from script? If so, look up the functions Spawn() and SetModel() on
  10. Slay V2 Author: JR-Imagine (IGN: Raid|Slaya) Map name: mp_dr_slayv2 (Slay V2) Traps: 12 End rooms: Sniper, Jump, Old Difficulty: Medium (Unless faggot acti gives free...) Map size: Medium Download links: DropBox, MEGA, ModDB Secrets: 1 with player based activation, each player has to activate it individually. Notes: There's custom weapons, so don't be nub and forget to move the weapon files into the mod. Images: Map was made in 4 days (of which I streamed 3). :dumb: I did however spend my time testing the map both offline and with Triton and Staab and fixed a few bugs that were found. Ps: Pros don't h8 me cuz I have RPGs when not needed, I can't do it myself without them. :c
  11. There's a space at the end of the links, remove the space and they'll work. ;) Anyways, good luck!
  12. I had two 1024 tiles once, with a 2 in between them. Game over. :okay: A friend of mine got a 4096 one. :rage:
  13. Then call it "a.iwd" or something. :troll:
  14. It's not an easy way out, there's just no point in making it any more complicated. ;)
  15. Blue scrolling deagle which shifts to red depending on lighting, uses the same camo as the double pap'ed guns in Rise V2. :3 Other than that there's a DSR-50.You can just make a new IWD and put the weapon files in that, takes no time to download even for people with bad internet.
  16. Just make a new function and have it wait for the trigger to be triggered there?
  17. Poor xmodel lost hide and seek already... Blame Canada (and Lossy :troll:).
  18. The consoles in acti path, sniper at the end and rpgs in secret are xmodels. :troll:
  19. You can store all player entities in a array: players = GetEntArray( "player", "classname" );A single player would then look like this: players[i] // i = player's entity number in the arrayA bit more information about how you want to get the player entity would be helpful though.
  20. Then don't post a tutorial... A tutorial is meant to teach people how to do a certain thing, not how to copy and paste.
  21. Yes. Ofcourse not. :dumb:
  22. Nice inspect element m8. :troll:
  23. I do speak French. :dumb: We're forced to learn French in school in Flanders, Wallons aren't forced to learn Dutch though. :rage: I'd love to see them try and learn Flemish, Dutch is hard for those who want to learn it, let alone Flemish. :dave: