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Everything posted by atrX

  1. Too bad "self" is undefined, huehue. :dave:Cuz Gaybe wants to use pastebin and I cba to copy to hastebin:
  2. I'm planning to, just zipping things up etc. ;) Edit: Submitted, pending approval. :>
  3. A donkey has more braincells than me.
  4. Lel, lost the few braincells you had left huh?
  5. Let's both go out and end up in a coma bae! <3
  6. "What's on your mind?" I don't have a mind you racist bastard! >:C

    1. ~Budzy~


      you misspelled, was writing something else and forgot to delete it

    2. Zack
    3. Cloudy
    4. Show next comments  72 more
  7. Uwotm8, obv I was. :troll:
  8. Staab your life's so interesting compared to mine... I just go out from time to time, get drunk as fuck and don't remember shit. :dumb:
  9. I've driven a bike into a pool at the age of 7, water was all dirty. :<
  10. Too smexy...
  11. As much as I would love to paste et... I can't cause forum rules forbid me to do so. :troll:
  12. Well... Lossy posted this:
  13. Hey guys, JR doin' sum YT & Twitch. #Sweg I do WaW Custom Zombies and CoD4 Deathrun vids (sometimes some other shizzz, but not a lot), will try to keep 'em coming on a regular basis, unlike the other 10 times I've said that. :dumb: I just hit 100 subs on youtube too, thx to everyone who already subscribed, really means a lot to me. :) So if you fgts have the time to check it out, make sure you do. :> #Youtubez: #Twitch: Latest #prew vid: Edit: Wot faggot edited my title? :troll:
  14. Amg YT... -.- Will fix. D: Worked fine on ze old layout, damnit.
  15. Get yoself a new monitor bae. :troll:
  16. I personally don't like RTD either, server admins can easily disable it from dr_essentials.cfg. ;) I removed the really OP stuff from RTD though *cough* jetpack *cough*. If enough people want it removed I shall remove it. #Poll
  17. Favorite deathrun map? mp_deathrun_skypillar Favorite trap in a map? mp_deathrun_control's chicken trap Favorite endroom in a map? mp_deathrun_flow's shit Favorite secret in a map? mp_deathrun_diehard's secret Favorite mapper? Xenon Most detailed map? mp_deathrun_mine Hardest map? mp_dr_terror Best themed map? mp_deathrun_mine Least favorite map? mp_dr_slay hands down
  18. OP updated with links, hope there's not too many bugs. :) Don't have time to do too much testing or work on additional features. If bugs are found, please report them so I can fix them. Also, @mods, can someone remove the "[WIP]" from the topic title? I can't for whatever reason that may be. :s Edit: Thanks for editing the title Lossy. :) Ps: Little fail on my end, forgot to include the line for _plugins.gsc. -.- Will update in a sec. Edit 2: New version with proper instructions in OP.
  19. I haven't released it yet, good thing you commented though, I totally forgot about this. Will finish & release ASAP. ;)
  20. ma reaction when i see bear :c
  21. I got 33 seconds and rage quit because of input delay. :troll: Plz, VB.NET isn't so horrible in the right hands, gtfo fearz. :troll: I personally wouldn't wanna make a game with it though, rep fearz, rep.
  22. It was something I did while I was bored, I don't do icons untill I'm done with the app itself, just a habit I have. Anyways, if Gabe wants to he can have my source code, but he'll need DevExpress.
  23. Gheybe, plz, l2 UI...
  24. faggot found data.ini, huh? I should save the highscores in the games memory but cba to change it all...