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Everything posted by atrX

  1. BraXi plz, we all know 3DSMax is the best and Blender is shit. :dave:
  3. BraXeh plz, nublets can't afford ~$800 programs. :dave: (<- Not implying I bought it, I just happen to have Master Collection. :dave:) Your opinion doesn't count. :troll: On a serious note though, GM:S isn't anywhere near the same as the old GM, it got a lot more professional, I know plenty of people who even make a living out of it. faggot I ain't English I can't spell shit.
  4. Aside from the filesize... Enjoyed the few games I played, really good mod! :)
  5. Ew, plz, I dispise java and don't like making games in VS, GML (quite similar to C# actually) m8. ;) (So ye, I use GM:S cause I do Android stuff from time to time and I can just use GML instead of java. :>) GOD DAMNIT BEAR. :dave: @rest Thanks fgts. :) Edit: I might update tomorrow with a new pause menu as the current one is silly and doesn't even allow you to go back to the main menu. Edit 2: Nvm, I ain't sleepin' today so I have time to update, new version with fixes related to menu controls and a new pause menu in the FP.
  6. I just slapped a police officer, now I have to spend a night in jail. Fuck da police. :troll: Jokes aside, I'm fine, faggot.
  7. Welcome, and my advice would be to clam ur titz and don't attract attention of 12th grades who will slap you in the face. :troll: Nah, highschool's chill m8. ;)
  8. Hell no, I know so many 14y/o that are more mature than you. :troll: In fact, I spend most of my time with a girl 1 year younger than me who's 10 times more mature than you make yourself seem like. I'm 15, you're 13, as old as my lil' sis that is, i can call you a kid all I want m8. :dave:
  9. That's just... Weird man... Get with people your age or go home kid. :dave:
  10. Euhm... K den. o_O
  11. I'm so sleepy... And my hair... Need 2 fix b4 leaving for school. :>
  12. Khaos you legend... You can link a debit card to your paypal account, don't know how exactly though.Edit: Khaos beat me. :<
  13. Update 4/21: Removed name changes to prevent weird shit from happening. Author: JR-Imagine (IGN: GCZ|Slaya) Map name:mp_dr_rage (Rage) Traps: 10 (Most of them have a random element.) End rooms: Sniper, Jump, Knife, Old Difficulty: Hard (Easy if faggot acti gives free) Map size: Medium Download links: DropBox, MEGA, ModDB Secrets: 1 with player based activation, each player has to activate it individually. Extra thingies: Gun skins for servers that don't have custom skins already. :> Images: Feedback is always welcome! :) Btw: I was going to give knife room a different room but my compiler kept crashing giving bs errors that had nothing to do with the map, I hope there's no mapping related issues as I won't be able to fix those. :(
  14. I was about to say Gheybe's ghey and then I read this. xDI'll post a pic tomorrow cuz my most recent one is so old and I don't like taking pics at night, k. D: So ya, you fgts can laugh tomorrow. :> (If I forget, fgts tell me.)
  15. Gimme... Gimme... GIMME! I want yer ice cream nao! :> Welcome m8.
  16. Better late than never... Hi fgts, #1 nublet Slaya here. :> I'm one of the worst mappers out there m8s, my maps are garbage. Look at mp_dr_slay, only a faggot can make that. I also enjoy filling my HDD with porn, I only have 0.3TB left of my 1.5TB HDD. This was the most prew introduction evah.
  17. Hi faggot, Belgian waffles are better. :>
  18. Dafuq lossy, portals on models? So either I'm retarded or you've never done portalling as the only type of portalling I know is making portal cells so the engine only renders the part of the map you're in.
  19. Ye, I spent 5 hours writing dis shiiit.
  20. Don't forget to change the player.realname to in the iPrintlnBold for the Dumbass thingy too then. ;)
  21. Update 4/21: Removed name changes to prevent weird shit from happening. :> New links up in the OP.
  22. :dave: I used to think white chocolate was milk chocolate, I was wrong too.
  23. CoD4: Released: mp_dr_deadzone (So good... #Sarcasm My first, shitty ass map.) mp_dr_slay mp_dr_rage Unfinished: mp_dr_rainbow (Second, shitty ass map, never gonna be released.) Deathrun Essentials Plugin (IDK when I'm gonna finish it but I'm so sick of seeing servers without fov scale, need to get this released...) mp_dr_nublet (Just started this. :>) CoD5: (Although irrelevant to the topic... Whatever. :>) Released: Locked (Shitiest zombie map EVER.) Insomniac (Detail? Pff... Fuck that shit.) Rise (Map of the Year on, but fuck them, link to UGX cuz they're cooler. :>) Unfinished: Evasion (Probably won't ever work on this again, got bored of it so fast...) Rise V2 I was also working on a Infected type mod for CoD5 with ported guns but cba to finish it.
  24. *sigh* Aren't activators supposed to activate? -.- That's one opinion, I think it looks better without fullbright. Proof or nothing happened.
  25. Can't be worse than you so I guess he's good. :dave: