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Everything posted by atrX

  1. Idk either. xD It won Map of the Year on ZombieModding so I guess that has to mean something. Easter Egg thingy is getting replaced with a in-depth one. :> Also, I've been playing deathrun for about a year now, I haven't been mapping for that long, started in July/August, can't remember exactly.
  2. I love this... A friend made this awesome loadingscreen for my zombie map for me today, so I'm using it as my background too now. :>
  3. Well... Belgium is indeed half French half Flamish (Don't call it Dutch, please, there's a ton of differences, ain't there Headdy? :> If Headdy ever joins TS when I'm on I HAVE to start talking in Flamish, lel, wonder how much he would understand.) but the inhabitants of Wallony (the French part) usually don't know a word Flamish or Dutch, only reason Flamish people know French quite well is because we are forced to learn it in school starting from 5th grade. (Some schools actually start from 1st grade now... Young kids don't even understand, scumbag schools... -.-)Anyways, OT: Doggeh cute! :>
  4. Damn... Sad to see you go, always loved seeing you trolling freerun nubs. :> Good luck in your further life.
  5. If I wouldn't have been on my iPod I would've probably downloaded the file and raged at Lossy... :> Damn, good one Losseh...
  6. Quennch, nub, learn to read. :> He clearly isn't just saying "Get well soon".
  7. Damnit, 8 off of beating Anti. :>
  8. Not much to see, lol: Edit: Only getting the image problem on Chrome, loads everything perfectly fine on Firefox.
  9. I don't remember how the thing is called in IPB but it's something with updating/reloading the theme's images you should do, some of them aren't loading. (look at the header for example) Also, different theme maybe? Standard IPB one is... meh. Edit: Shoutbox is a blank page. :P
  10. I thought about these while playing on the server this morning: Numeric ammo counter (I hate clipGraphic, lol) Double XP events like before the update This PLEASE, it looks so smexy: Different viewhands, like the characters menu Make FOV Scale save permanently (god I hate changing it every map) For the ammo counter, if you need it: In "ui_mp/" add in menuDef "weaponinfo": itemDef { name "AmmoCounter" rect (WEAPINFO_X - 68) (WEAPINFO_Y + 34) 68 0 textscale TEXTSIZE_SMALL textalign ITEM_ALIGN_RIGHT textstyle ITEM_TEXTSTYLE_SHADOWED textfont UI_FONT_OBJECTIVE forecolor 1 1 1 HUD_FOREGROUND_ALPHA ownerdraw CG_PLAYER_AMMO_VALUE visible 1 decoration } And remove or comment out itemDef "clipGraphic" and "ammoStock". Edit: Because not everyone has a OW account, here's the post from OW quoted: There's an attachment on OW for the sounds but attachments require an account so I didn't include it in the qoute.
  11. I guess it's something in the exe that makes the fov scale unchangeable unless the server sets it, you run a map in devmap or sv_cheats is enabled as some people with modified versions of the exe can change fov scale via console. You could save it as a stat and load it on player connect, idk if it would work with commas/dots though. @QueNNch Currently on my iPod so it's a bit hard to do atm, when I get back on my pc I'll edit my post. ;) Edit: FP updated.
  12. UPDATED 3/1/2014: New version available, changed the visuals of the map a bit and changed 1v1 into old. Author: JR-Imagine (IGN: GCZ|Slaya) Map name:mp_dr_slay (Slay) Traps: 11 End rooms: Sniper, Jump, Knife, Old Difficulty: Easy/Intermediate Map size: Small/Medium Download links: DropBox, MEGA, ModDB Images:
  13. Thanks for the feedback guys! :) New version with retextured areas and old ending available in FP.