
Community Manager
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Everything posted by atrX

  1. Shadow1 are xmodelparts and -surfs, there's no viewmodel included. ;) @@HCB{Crow} Set it to viewhands_black_kit to test, you can pick a different viewmodel (just go into radiant, spawn a misc_model and go through all the viewhands_* viewmodel_* etc files to pick one or download custom ones) once you know it works (it should but you never know).
  2. Congratulations on getting on the blue team @Moseph, @Axo and @Flaccid! Also congratulations to @Knarley Sheen on getting to the trial stage!
  3. It's got nothing to do with the image, the icon itself is a missing material texture, aka something's wrong with the material (or it's not even included).
  4. Happy birthday Mo! :D
  5. Happy birthday Connor!
  6. Happy birthday nubcake Blaze! :D
  7. Happy birthday Staan! Have a good one mate. :)
  8. Which role are you applying for? Server Manager. Do you accept the requirements? Yes. How long have you been in your previous role? I've been a Server Admin since the 11th of April, 2015, which is 6 months and 22 days or 205 days to be precise. Why do you think you are ready for a promotion to the said role? I've been debating whether or not to apply for Server Manager from the moment I heard we were going to be able to apply for higher ranks. As you know, I have a lot of experience with scripting for a multitude of Call of Duty titles and general development with different languages including but not limited to C#, C++, VB.NET, PHP, HTML5, CSS3, jQuery... I think I can contribute to Raid with my set of skills and take some of the load of off others. Even though I've not been a part of the admin team for that long yet compared to a lot of others I do feel it's at least worth a shot. :) What skills do you have? As I mentioned before I know a multitude of programming/scripting/markup etc. languages. I have a lot of experience modding multiple Call of Duty titles and would argue that I have pretty much mastered GSC along with knowing a thing or two about menu files and other modding related things. Furthermore I also have experience managing and administrating both websites and servers. I am currently studying IT & Networking and will be going to college for a bachelor (or possibly university for a master, haven't fully decided yet) in Software and Web Development starting next year. I score the highest out of all students in our school on both tests and exams and currently still have the maximum score for Software Development (which I am hoping to keep up until I go to college). I may seem like a bit of a (sorry to use the word in a thread that's supposed to be semi-professional) "cunt" sometimes and may not act extremely mature all the time but I know when and how to behave myself when it comes down to it. Totally irrelevant but I can still do 10 backflips in a row. :3 What skills do you have that will aid your application for the role? I have a local machine with Ubuntu Server 14.04 LTS set up on it at home and use it as a dedicated server for learning purposes from time to time. On this server I've set up CoD4 servers, B3, Apache, FTP etc. before so I'm familiar with the process of setting up and managing these things. As the past couple years indicate to me, I'm a quick learner so if there is ever anything I don't know how to do yet then I am able to quickly pick it up after doing some research regarding the matter. What other communities/clans are you an admin in at the moment (if any?) I currently own CoDScript, a scripting (though, lately more generalised) community for both Modern Warfare and World at War. Why should we choose you over others? It's hard to really give great arguments to a question like this as I feel each individual has their own stronger and weaker points. I don't like comparing myself to others and especially don't like pretending I'm better when in reality someone else might be better fit for a certain thing than I am. I guess all I can really say is that I have shown I am very knowledgeable about the subjects I think matter most when it comes to the role of Server Manager. Is there anything else you think could help with your application or that you would like to add? Think I covered what I wanted to say. If I find anything else to add to this post I'll edit and include it. Feel free to ask me any questions you may still have too. Please provide a link to your previous application:
  9. Hi

    Hello there mate, welcome to the forums! A friend of @Bl4z3 is a friend of mine. :)
  10. Good luck Mr Connor. :)
  11. Good luck Mo! :)
  12. Well that explains a few things... :troll: JK, good luck scrub. :3
  13. Edit: Raid Party Games is now live: Server will be on for however long people keep joining and want to play. :) Hi there! As some of you may know, I've been working on a party games mod for quite a while now and it's now entering the stage of public beta testing! Anyone is free to join the server, it'll be up for however long people want to play the mod. Currently the mod includes: Characters: US Marine Farmer Eliza (ROTU admin model) Masterchief Juggernaut Joker 50 Cent Duke Nukem Terrorist (CS) Terminator Weapons: USP .45 M9 Beretta M1911 Five-Seven Mauser MC96 Desert Eagle Colt Anaconda .44 Remington New Model Army Gamemodes: All or Nothing Gun Game One in the Chamber Sharpshooter Still need suggestions for other gamemodes too. :) Screenshots: When? 1PM GMT 26th of June, 2015 Where? IP to the server will be posted as soon as it is turned on. All maps and the mod itself will be hosted on CoDScript's server to avoid people downloading having an impact on the server's network (just my local 60 down, 20 up, nothing special), should also give some faster download speeds. Regards, JR-Imagine.
  14. I'll hate this song next week simply because I've listened to it too many times...
  15. Happy New Year, may 2016 bring joy to y'all! :)
  16. I wouldn't recommend a company like OVH for shared hosting. Their panel is quite limited and they impose too many limitations IMHO. Apparently their customer service isn't too great either (from personal experience I can tell their billing department is great, or I might have just been lucky, don't have any experience with their support or any other departments), which is a must for shared hosting because you control practically nothing so you have to be able to communicate with them to quickly resolve issues you're facing. OVH is focused on unmanaged dedicated servers mostly, which is what they're known for and good at and it shows with their other services. They're cheap and that comes with compromises which on the shared hosting side of things... You simply can't afford to make. I'll edit back with a list of some reputable hosting companies later. ;) Edit: Some of the best offers from companies with great reviews on WHT. Don't have personal experience with all of them but WHT know what they're talking about. :P THCServers Cheapest plan: $1.95/month Most expensive plan: $5.95/month Disk space: Unmetered on all plans Bandwidth: Unmetered on all plans Number of domains: 1 for the cheapest plan, 5 for the mid-tier plan, unlimited for the high-tier plan Money back guarantee: 30 days Control panel: cPanel Includes free domain: No Notes: E-mail accounts are limited on the cheap and mid-tier plan, prices increase when you choose a shorter billing period, free nightly off-site backups, SSD based, basic SSH access can be requested if a good reason is provided Have been using these guys for the past year and they're great. Support is quick to answer tickets and server performance is top notch. StableHost Cheapest plan: $4.95/month* Most expensive plan: $8.95/month** Disk space: Unmetered on all plans Bandwidth: Unmetered on all plans Number of domains: 1 for the cheapest, unlimited for the rest Money back guarantee: 45 days Control panel: cPanel Includes free domain: No Notes: Prices drop with longer billing periods, free nightly backups, SSD based, basic SSH access can be bought * Cheaper plans available with stricter limitations on their "older plans" page. ** More expensive enterprise plans also available. GeekStorage Cheapest plan: $2.99/month* Most expensive plan: $6.59/month* Disk space: 10GB for cheapest, 20GB for mid-tier, 40GB for high-tier Bandwidth: Unmetered on all plans Number of domains: 3 for cheapest, unlimited for the rest Money back guarantee: 30 days Control panel: cPanel Includes free domain: Yes, but only for annual or biennial billing Notes: Prices increase with shorter billing periods, free nightly off-site backups, SSD based, basic SSH access included according a post they made on WHT, free 1 year SSL certificate included with high-tier plan for annual or biennial billing * Only when billed biennially. As you can see, I don't put unlimited next to disk space and bandwidth unlike advertised on the websites. This is because unlimited disk space and bandwidth does not exist. Your hosting provider will take action if you're clogging disk space and bandwidth for no good reason. There's plenty more but these are the ones currently featured on WHT I personally would trust or already have experience with. You can find plenty more here: for reviews first if you're going to pick one of many advertised here) Additionally, if you prefer VPS performance but would rather not have to configure a server yourself... I can get a VPS for quite cheap and set it up for you for no additional fee. I have these servers sitting around unclaimed and unused anyway. Just PM me if you're interested and I'll send you a price and specs chart. AVOID ANY HOSTING COMPANY AFFILIATED WITH EIG (Endurance International Group) AT ALL COST! This includes but is not limited to HostGator, Arvixe, BlueHost, JustHost, iPage, Site5. A more complete list can be found here: EIG has ruined a dozen amazing hosting companies and seems to continue doing so with newly acquired companies. They ran HostGator into the ground completely, have ruined Arvixe (a company I used to have a hosting account with until a month or so after EIG took over) and did similar things to many others.
  17. Aside from terrible server performance... They store passwords in plain text. Their entire user database was dumped some time ago with everyone's password in it. They clearly can't be trusted to handle proper security and should therefore be avoided at all cost. Hostinger is their parent company and should therefore also be avoided along with their paid service Hosting24. In general free webhosts are either illegally run or poorly run. In most cases your website will be taken down after receiving minimal traffic. You can get basic webhosting for literally $2 or less per month ($4/month can get you some amazing plans) and this way you're certain you're actually getting decent quality hosting (as long as you check some reviews on and not one of those fake review sites where people pay for good reviews). If you want, I could compile a list of some of the webhosting companies I know and trust to give good service at a good price. Edit: You should also consider buying a domain. Free tld's have a tendency to get blocked by major search engines due to them being used by malicious websites a lot.
  18. Whalecum to the nubmin team fellow blue scrubs! :)
  19. HAPPY BIRTHDAY MISTER I'M A TROLL!!! Dank you for everything you've done for this community and dank you for giving me a chance as nubmin even though I can be a bit of a cunt sometimes. Have a good one matey. :)
  20. giveWeapon() takes a second argument which is the gunModel you want: player giveWeapon( "weaponname", 1 ); // 0-indexed so this is gunModel 2
  21. overflow-y max-height 'nuff said. :dave: Would prevent you having to spoiler big code boxes. :yay:
  22. That and general padding on it. ^
  23. - Text at the bottom is black. - Padding. - Don't think this need any explaining. - Padding on the staff list. - Might be nitpicking here, but it just looks a bit off. - Needs padding on the news blocks. - Could use a background. - Background and title etc. - Self explanatory. - Stuff needs padding. - Background. Moderator CP needs padding on stuff. - Background. - Self explanatory. - Padding on right-side blocks on profiles. - When posting a topic, padding. - When editing a post, padding. RIP Mikey's free time.
  24. Happens whenever I try to load up the shoutbox archive. Not really anything related to the theme but yeah...
  25. Just because you're Wofles I started working on this again. Having to deal with some of the horribly lazy, bad coding I did with this is annoying but I'm fixing up some stuff and adding new stuff. No clue when I can push an update though. Currently fixing up infected with the suggestions provided in this thread.