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Everything posted by atrX

  1. Hi Volti! Welcome to the forums fellow Belgian scrublord!
  2. :wat: Don't think you understood what I meant:
  3. Hmm... I'd suggest doing following edits still: Remove margin-top from ".userpopup .side" Move username to the left As it is now the avatar still intersects with the H3. :c The thing that shows when you hover over someone's name.
  4. 1 more week... :3

  5. { font-size: 25px; }
  6. You should NEVER uninstall Internet Explorer, NEVER. Quite a few Windows and .NET Framework components depend on IE Libraries to function correctly. Just ignore its existance and use something else. Tried reinstalling and/or resetting to defaults yet? Does it show Chrome as default in the Settings app (System -> Default apps)?
  7. 2013: Switched schools, best descission I've ever made. Didn't have many friends at my old school. I've met so many people who changed my life for the better ever since I made the switch. Grades suffered a tiny bit but managed to pull through the year. 2014: Went out to a theme park with a close friend during spring break, probably best day of my life up 'till now. :> For the first time in many years I went to see a film (Hunger Games: The Mockingjay Part 1 :D) (with that same person ^), eagerly awaiting the second part. Switched over to IT, coming from Science made this year piece of cake. Also the year I started going out to parties etc. This was also the year I developed a hatred for holidays. ^.^ 2015: Got 100% on my report card for programming. :3 Now starting my second year of IT in September. Gonna watch the final Hunger Games movie probably. Most likely gonna (and already have) lose some more braincells from blackouts due to too much alcohol. I CAN'T WAIT FOR SCHOOL TO START AGAIN.
  8. That thingy tracks donation goals, so if none are set it'll show 0.
  9. K.
  10. NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! I use Atom nowadays mate.
  11. Totally agree.
  12. You can't take screenshots of other player's screens and have it save on your PC.
  13. So you want hackers to post screenshots of them hacking?
  14. The difference is RepZ can modify anything in the client and server to do what they want.
  15. We both know Windows is the main gaming platform, most games on PC only run on Windows.
  16. Install graphics drivers through Nvidia GeForce Experience/AMD Catalyst depending on your GPU make instead of letting Microsoft install them through Windows Update. Disable driver updates through Windows Update (and get third-party program like Iobit Driver Booster to update them or just update them yourself manually): If CoD4 still won't work, try using Windows 8 compatibility mode, I had to in order for it to launch. As for keyboard volume adjuster, make sure you have the latest updates, I remember there being some issues with volume control a couple updates back.
  17. Try Windows 8 compatibility mode, had issues even launching CoD4 before I did that.
  18. Just because everyone's posting pictures of Windows 10... Task bar icons are smaller, yay! More space to fill up! :dave:
  19. You don't read, do you? You're required to upgrade before you can perform a clean install or you won't have a license. As a sidenote, who uses DVDs to install Windows? You can just mount the ISO to a virtual drive an run the setup from there. Edit: You do realise the purpose of all this data collection is to improve the product you're using, right? How else are they going to iron out all bugs and performance issues? Bug reports? Yeah sure, most people don't bother reporting anything and just complain about it on random forums instead of help Microsoft fix it. If you're really bothered with it, you can just turn it off anyway...
  20. Welcome to the forums fellow Belgian nub! :) :dave:
  21. Happy birthday West, today is the day you can freely ban Capsa for 24 hours for being a dick to you. :dave:
  22. Welcome aboard the blue team, nubs! :)
  23. The three of you really need to clean your desktops up. :dave: If only I could keep my taskbar as clean as my desktop...