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About Medusa

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  1. My Lock Screen: My Home Screen: and a second page with all my games!..
  2. Don't know how to do it, so yea :lol:
  3. Congratz Grandpa and Volti !
  4. Ooohh, too bad.. :( But thanks anyways!
  5. [suggestion] Map Vote Screen I just made this Map Vote Screen for the Raid Fun Server in Photoshop! What do you guys think of it? I made it, because I miss a picture of the next Maps in the current Map Vote Screen!
  6. What do you guys think about this? Was just a random idea for the vote screen:

    1. Show previous comments  15 more
    2. Anti


      He's 21 now, may as well be one :troll:

    3. Moseph


      "Great father figure"

    4. siikdude
  7. Happy Birthday Lossy!
  8. Double Post!! The site was down for a moment and it posted this post 2 times! Please delete 1 of them! :unsure:
  9. [suggestion] Rules of Fun Server in Chat I think that the rules in the chat are displayed way too fast, when I type the command !rules. I can't read that fast! Perhaps it would be better if they appear slower. Its maybe just a little thing, but yea... :lol: Just my opinion! What do you guys think? :huh:
  10. My english is not even good! But if I don't know a word (happens often), I type it in the Google Translator! :) And by the way, english is the major world language. Btw. you are from Germany like me and in Germany we learn englisch since primary school (Grundschule) and you are 17 years old, so I think you should know how to speak english, right? :huh:
  11. Everyone learns English in the school, so it would be useless! ;)
  12. Does anybody know how many kills I need for the Nuke on the High Jump Fun Server?

    1. Caspa


      It's 50. I've only got one :P

  13. Hi! Welcome to the forums! ;)