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About Conker

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    Advanced Member
  • Birthday 09/08/00

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    Filling out fields on internet sites entitled "interests" in which no one will ever really read anyway. I could just type about randon crap here and noone will ever really see it. See me typing about crap that no one will ever read. Blah blah blahbah blah blah yep typing about nothing. I could even misspel crap or make up a word: klop-hum

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    probably the worst thing on this planet

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  1. best halo player 2k ever
    1. Anti


      Must be playing the iPad version :troll:

    2. Conker


      lmfao, it looks like it. the guys whole team left so it was a 1v4 and he played like that the whole entire game. after several minutes of toying with him, my team and i ended up letting him have the win

    3. BraXi


      playing FPS game on xbox controller :dumb:

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