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About Conker

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  • Birthday 09/08/00

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    Filling out fields on internet sites entitled "interests" in which no one will ever really read anyway. I could just type about randon crap here and noone will ever really see it. See me typing about crap that no one will ever read. Blah blah blahbah blah blah yep typing about nothing. I could even misspel crap or make up a word: klop-hum

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    probably the worst thing on this planet

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  1. just watching youtube and then i realize im slowly losing vision in my right eye. usually this means that im gonna have a migraine but idk help me

    1. Show previous comments  18 more
    2. Cat


      For sleep:

    3. evensosan


      I have the same problem since i was 10. Take a brake from the screen every 2 hours. In a day that you can go to sleep late, go to bad before around 01:00 am. It won't stop the migraine from happening, but your eye will get better.

    4. Conker


      thanks sosan. i usually go to sleep between 10 and 11 and get 8-9 hours of sleep. when i start having trouble seeing in one of my eyes that's the sign that i'm going to 100% have a migraine so it's actually kinda nice cuz i can somewhat prepare.. also, as soon as the head pain part of the migraine kicked in my eye got better :>