I'M Polubog

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About I'M Polubog

  • Rank
    Junior Member
  • Birthday 02/06/97

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  1. GL HF Dude B) ;)
  2. Im so sorry for anything who happened in the PAST - Raid -

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. I'M Polubog

      I'M Polubog

      mean excuse me if i cursed u(Raid) or anything else like it

    3. ~Budzy~
    4. siikdude


      Do u still want to kill me

  3. When they born me they said: “love every one” and know that I love frenzied they are saying: “forget”

    1. Show previous comments  31 more
    2. I'M Polubog

      I'M Polubog

      @all of u guys

      You don't understand because you're a fucking kid that thinks it's all fun outside in the real world and you can do whatever you want. Well, welcome to the real world buddy. You are not crossing that line with me or others. Now stop being a cunt towards others, since you have been acting like that lately.

    3. Anti


      This is simply delightful to read through

    4. MiKeY


      Opps. This was my fault I feel. Also @stupididiotthatstartedthisfeed shut the fuck up.

  4. I promise i will protect you… :awesome:

    1. Caspa
    2. Anti


      I promise nothing and deliver less

  5. My friend was cursing and shouting because of that i didnt give him my phone !!! next he stopped our relation. *Sighs*

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Tinman


      Blink twice if you're using Google Translate

    3. MiKeY


      Google translate is the best. I am actually from a small cult in the middle of Christmas Island where we only speak a made up language. At least we have pretty good internet. Google translate seems to always work well for me. Maybe he is just that bad in his own language :P

    4. I'M Polubog

      I'M Polubog

      i didnt got help of google trans because i dont need it

      i just trans several words and i wrote it with my knowledge not google trans's knowledge

      and i hate google trans because dont support our language

  6. When someone says, "You've Changed", it simply means you've stopped living your life their way.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Tinman


      >Insert selfie of make-up clad girl posing on deserted railway tracks<

    3. Anti


      >Insert comment about that make-up girl being fat along with picture of obese girl that judged photoshop to sloppily push her waist in, but also pushed half of the picture in as well<

    4. Anti


      Used* How'd auto-correct make it judge :dumb:

  7. CPU: intle core i3 3.1 GHz LGA1155 VGA: Radeon 260x RAM: kingston HyperX x4GB DDR3 1333 Motherboard : Gigabyte h61m-s2-b3 ( im not sure :D ) Power : Green 430 W HDD : 500 Gb WD a bit is old
  8. Y I CAN HELP U AND SUGGEST U GO AND A BIT REST :D -_- <3 u guys dont be angry of me i have a kind heart then come be as friend :awesome:
  9. sry anti rly i didnt know 22 may is ur birthday but i k now :D then HAPPY BIRTHDAY :awesome:
  10. sometimes not right :D B)
  11. thats good idea for server because the most time hackers are in server while admins is not online and not there because of that im agree and ask of u act to available one of them ( votekick / calladmin ) please guys