I'M Polubog

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About I'M Polubog

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    Junior Member
  • Birthday 02/06/97

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  1. My friend was cursing and shouting because of that i didnt give him my phone !!! next he stopped our relation. *Sighs*

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Tinman


      Blink twice if you're using Google Translate

    3. MiKeY


      Google translate is the best. I am actually from a small cult in the middle of Christmas Island where we only speak a made up language. At least we have pretty good internet. Google translate seems to always work well for me. Maybe he is just that bad in his own language :P

    4. I'M Polubog

      I'M Polubog

      i didnt got help of google trans because i dont need it

      i just trans several words and i wrote it with my knowledge not google trans's knowledge

      and i hate google trans because dont support our language