
Retired Admin
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Everything posted by Cat

  1. I'll take a stab at challenge #4. Your favorite map is....Carentan? mp_ctan! It's the only map that stands out from the rest, even though all 5 are good maps, ctan seems to be a little out from the rest, so I hope I win! :3
  2. Tell me why, I can't be there where you are! D:
  3. Anti, please. D:
  4. Okay, just realized, it's April 1st. I SWEAR TO GOD, IF THIS IS SOME APRIL FOOLS JOKE, IT ISN'T FUNNY. But if it is serious, please, refer back to my previous post.
  5. Anti, wow this is really a shock to us all. It's been a wonderful year knowing you, with all of the laughs and jokes you've brought to the table, and all of the smiles we've all shared through both teamspeak and here on these forums. You'll be greatly missed, and don't you ever, for a SINGLE SECOND, ever think that you're not welcome back here. I do hope you'll return, which may never happen. However, through thick and thin we all have had wonderful times with you, and I surely wish you the best of luck in real life, and whatever you decide to continue your life's journey with. Also, you'll always be a member in FISH, I wont dare remove you from that! You're too good of a friend and player. Once again, I wish you the best of luck with the continuation of your life. Regards, Cat!
  6. Also, as you've removed the secret in ALL of the maps, why the hell isn't the one from your own map, Darmuhv2 not removed?
  7. Moka, how have you developed this mod if you have no idea how to code for CoD4? Who else is on the development team?
  8. I believe like Thomas said earlier in another post, the more servesr you have, the more spread out your population becomes, and the less populated each server is. I'd find it difficult to have Deathrun, Fun, CoDjumper AND this server all with a strong population. This community is currently really only consists of about 25-30 consistent returning players, the rest are all just randoms. However, the servers themselves have a lot more who are dedicated to that server only. While in the fun server, I do see the occasional !join deathrun and !join fun in the dr server, but it's not too often. Most players like to find a mod they enjoy and stick to it, instead of jumping between mods all over the place. Possibly in the near future, as the community grows more, throw up a server, but as of now, I just don't see Raid, even though it's servers are in the 95+ percentile, pulling enough players to fill up 3-4 servers. The only issue with mods like this is that it requires a CONSTANT amount of players. It requires at least a 3v3-4v4 to be fun. 1v1 and 2v2 on servers like this is somewhat enjoyable, but nowhere near the mod's full potential. It's the same issue I have while running a paintball server. It's no fun with only a few players. YOu need a constant population of about 5-6 players on at all times. So for now, I'm going to refrain from voting.
  9. Have you talked to Ratzee at all about it being okay?
  10. I'm like you, I never thought a sound card would do anything, until I got one. Darmuh, this has nothing to do with my speakers. The sound cards make the quality so much more clear and crisp, with lower basses and higher trebles. They do quite a bit actually, and it just sounds amazing if you get the right sound card and configure it correctly. And btw.....EWW BEATS. They're overpriced, worthless pieces of crap that are nothing but brand-name. YOu can get better headphones for $50. But trust me, something as cheap as an ASUS Xonar DG($30) works great, it's' waht I have I only with I would have gone one step higher and bought the ASUS Xonar DX, which supports DTS....oh well.
  11. dat_2gb backup doe Headdy :P. Nice build! Your sound card(which is onboard) sucks ballsack though. :3
  12. Ouch, that sucks. I do wish you the best of luck with your recovery and return to normality and no head pain. If you ever need any moral support. we're all here.
  13. Dammit loki...
  14. Welcome to the forums! I arrived after most of the damage had been done, I have only seen the aftermath. Most of us here have been in the same boat, myself included. The loss of a loved one is never easy. If you ever need help, many of us here are more than willing to help out, we're a lot nicer and more friendly than what appeared on your admin application thread. Once again, I want to welcome you here, I do sincerely hope you enjoy your stay!
  15. You do realize, Gold has NOTHING to do with sound. It has to do with efficiency and how good it is for the environment. Bronze 80 certified aren't as good as Gold 80 Certified. As for the build, I was going to make very MINOR recommendations, but you've already ordered your parts. The build looks quite nice, and don't be worried about FPS. The 770 is overkill on ALL of today's games. I have a 650 Ti and can run BF4 ultra, and I have yet to try Arma 3, but it runs beautifully on Arma2. It runs on ultra as well on Titanfall, so your build will run ALL games at ultra for at least another 2 years. People get all worried "OMG I NEED THE NEWEST GPU, MINE IS ONLY 3 MONTHS OLD." It's quite pathetic, people running out wasting money on GPU's that are way overkill.
  16. I've always thought challenging maps are more fun. Easy maps you can complete with your eyes closed. Sure, you beat the map, but did you REALLY beat the map at it's hardest difficulty with no traps activated? It's too easy. All it is is sprint jumping on blocks. Nothing to avoid, it's too easy. It's so much more rewarding to beat an actual difficult, activated map. When I beat easy on hard mode, I feel proud of myself. It's a challenge. It's exhilarating. And when all the other noobs have died and are watching you? It's awesome, huehue. The point is, the harder the maps are, the more fun. Activated is always more fun than non-activated maps.
  17. Congrats to the new admins!
  18. I didn't say it earlier, how scumbaggish of me! I sincerely apologize, Happy Birthday Lossy! I do hope it was fantastic.
  19. Hai vaughan!
  20. It's not Mirror's Edge, but it has the ME feel to it. ME would have much more white and red, instead of black. :dave:
  21. You are correct, it is a PCI-Express 2.0 slot, not a 3.0. However, I didn't plan on SLI-ing anyways, so it didn't matter to me. OH I COMPLETELY FORGOT, I DID buy a sound card, an Asus Xonar DG. I don't plan on using a Raid setup anyways, so no need for a raid controller. Wifi, who cares when you have ethernet? Also, I don't believe I filled it with everything I could. I did want the fans however, for better cooling. Antec cases are wonderful with cooling. The fan controller....well it looked cool and I wanted to fill up a 5.25" drive bay, since I have 3 and I was only using the middle one, it looked off. Also, Gabe, for the PCI-E Power cable, It would be much smoother but the cable has 2 PCI-E male connectors on the same cable, not just one, so there is one just floating around. The same thing happens with the 4-pin motherboard connector, if you look close enough you can see another one just dangling there. However, only one of those 2 fits into the mobo, not sure what the other one is for. I'll update with more pics next time I decide to take out my PC for a dusting.
  22. Case-Antec One w/ 2 built in 120mm case fans(one top one rear) -I did add 3 more blue LED fans, so I have all 5 fans in the case, 3 with LED's and 2 without. The 2 without are on the bottom of the case and the back one, cuz lights are awesome. I also have a NZXT Sentry 2 Touch-Screen Fan Controller as well, it's quite cool. PSU-Apevia Warlock 750W MoBo- Intel DH67BL Processor-Intel 3770K Quad-Core processor w/ Hyperthreading @ 3.5Ghz(OC to 3.9) CPU Cooler- Cooler Master Hyper 212 Evo RAM-8 GB DDR3 @ 1333 Mhz(Going to add 32GB eventually when I have the money) GPU-Asus Nvidia GTX 650 Ti Overclocked Edition w/ 2 GB of DDR5 VRAM HDD - Seagate 320GB HDD @ 7200RPM - Seagate 1TB HDD @ 7200 RPM Here are some old pics before the 2nd HDD, new LED fans, and the Touch screen fan controller. I also rewired it, I hate how messy that wiring is. :s
  23. Gabe, no. FearZ, welcome.