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About tincxd

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  1. So how do i make my own icons? could you make a quick tut pls
  2. is there any other option on how to change icons? i have surce of my mod....
  3. but i already had ranktable set up....ranks work like in normal non modded cod server/mod ... i just want to change the icons of the ranks ... ranktable: https://postimg.org/image/ro8c7r0mj/
  4. Hi! So basicly i took ranks from deathrun and added them in promod source...because i want custom icons...frstly I added them into rankicontable.csv, added them into images, materials and material_properties and of course in mod.ff ....it but when i try to run the server i got this error: https://postimg.org/image/xdjzebhez/ if u know any fix please help :). I think i screw up something in rankicontable.csv, but i dont know wut...do i also have to edit RankTable.csv? i dunno :P br tincxd
  5. ohh pshhh ... @@MiKeY s a nice guy and i trust him :)
  6. Hi! Im interested if someone maybe knows how to run cod4 MODED server on linux.... i have linux computer and mod .... i just dont know how to set it up... if someone knows how to do it ... i m going to pay him 50€ for it :)... Best regards tincxd
  7. Thanks :) it worked :D +rep u
  8. here s how i do it in photoshop :) https://postimg.org/image/4d4wqhskr/
  9. i think i v done everything correctly ??? https://s25.postimg.org/8jpr5ts6n/asset_logo.png
  10. I did that but it didnt work.. i think i v done everything correctly in asset manager...compiled mod....and script is #include maps\mp\_utility; #include maps\mp\gametypes\_hud_util; #include maps\mp\gametypes\_globallogic_utils; #include duffman\_common; init() { precacheShader( "tincxd_logo" ); wait 0.1; if(level.instrattime) self thread logo(); } logo() { level.vosu = newHudElem(); level.vosu.alignx = "center"; level.vosu.alignY = "bottom"; level.vosu.horzAlign = "center"; level.vosu.vertAlign = "bottom"; level.vosu.x = 0; level.vosu.y = -16; level.vosu.sort = 1; level.vosu setShader("tincxd_logo", 250, 250); } here is it ok ? :)
  11. Hi! I m modding cod4 .. creating new mod .. ...have a problem... I dont want the black stuff .. only need the logo.. How do i edit the image so the black stuff is transparent ;) Thanks