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Everything posted by Darmuh

  1. We do have a forum for suggestions ^^
  2. that's what I was trying to do back when I was working on it. Been busy and have been working on other stuff and sort of forgot about it.
  3. was mostly on about this: as well as this: and let's not forget about Staab's 2-3 post long rant about how we have no idea what it's like living in the uk. Way to take satire and tear it to shreds guys. PS: These fireworks on the forum are annoying af
  4. >that awkward moment when all the britts take your joke seriously.... Seriously guys calm the fuck down we're joking about AMERICA having a superiority complex.
  6. Highlight from the stream :D http://www.twitch.tv/darmuh/c/4591976

    1. Darmuh


      To be fair I streamed at way too high of a bitrate lol.

      Forgot to change it from when I was recording... Was Double the 1080p bitrate I believe...

    2. Darmuh


      Just about done, too lazy to put much effort into the highlights though tbh xD http://i.gyazo.com/392a52500490c4868a6eb74dd5978c88.png

    3. Lossy
    4. Show next comments  84 more
  7. Streaming at twitch.tv/darmuh

    1. ~Budzy~


      not sure if it's just me, but it keeps buffering? can't be me because I have really fast net, and it doesn't happen on other streams?

    2. Darmuh


      Just finished streaming, this is probably why...

      dat bitrate -> http://i.gyazo.com/74d1c7774d0d267297c8a615ef449dbf.png

  8. Added Raid stuff
  9. I'm gettin this shit - http://mbsy.co/7cGSQ

    1. ~Budzy~



      Shame it's more in the UK due to shipping and stuff

    2. Tilak


      i want one :S

    3. Rescue Fox

      Rescue Fox

      I already have a sub for lootcrate

      nub :kappa:

  10. I fucking love supraball

    1. Beatthat


      Stopped playing it since the last update. They've added some unnecessary bullshit

  11. If you're speaking to jwofles you're grossly underestimating what he is capable of. Not only that, but you're insulting him for what? Giving constructive criticism? Frosty pls. And if you're speaking to staab, that's a backhanded compliment if i've ever seen one man... A bit off topic but: Darmuhv2 was my first map (excuse the v2 I was an idiot) and yes you are correct it does not have a theme. I would not use it as an example of what to put in a map though. The only reason it's "popular" is because it's short, easy to finish, and gives plenty of xp. So in other words it's very "noob friendly." But anyone who's played enough deathrun comes to despise the map in due time.
  12. Can you not just assign a variable to one of the coordiantes? Such as below, y_axis = 5; origin = (2, y_axis, 10 ); and then change the y_axis variable on trigger?
  13. You had me at fun fun; You've got my vote bud
  14. *bump* This: as well as this funny moment that was before raid's time:
  15. *bump* any more progress on this beatiboi??
  16. I actually really like that background...
  17. That's because cod4's downloading system sucks dick. Download maps from here with chrome -> http://www.raid-gaming.net/dl/cod4/usermaps/ Then just put them in your usermaps folder when you're done downloading.
  18. Working with gsx is a very interesting process...

    1. NNJ


      ask me on xfire for my file functions

    2. BraXi


      or read New_Script_Functions.txt :dave:

    3. Darmuh


      @Braxi After reading that shit I thought filehandle and filename were same shit so that fucked me over.

    4. Show next comments  84 more
  19. I think he meant to write have Odd typo anyway...
  20. The same goes for any good "traits" that applicants show. Just because you are (x) does not mean you will be a good admin. Fill in x with things like nice, smart, friendly, etc. This is why we have the trial system. If we accept someone's application they are put on trial and given limited admin powers. If they do well for a certain period of time (differs per person) we accept them as full admin. There have been trials that have been declined and it is usually because we have found that they just weren't good at being an admin. That doesn't mean they are bad people or anything, it just means that they don't need to be admin, as it's not for everyone. Anyway, good luck with your application pulse! Voting is currently being held whether to allow you trial or not in the lead admin forums. We'll post here when we come to a decision.
  21. Ignore the trolls and argument above. They're all lame-os that don't understand you were trying to be different with your introduction rather than making it the same old "Hi my name is Bob and I like video games!" shpeel. I remember you from Rv (you were a bit weird), and know that you'll fit in here quite nicely. Have fun and if you need, you may use the ticket system to report hackers/abusive admins. Not that we have either of those anyway :ph34r:
  22. There's a screenshot in my signature to show all of the VIP options :) Just click the spoiler button.
  23. What would you label them as instead?