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Status Updates posted by Darmuh

  1. whats something I can do to further my interest in coding? Looking back I really enjoyed scripting for cod4 because of the instant feedback it provides in that you can see your changes in-game. But, I have no interest in ever playing/modding cod4 again... Any suggestions/ideas?

    1. Show previous comments  11 more
    2. jwofles


      sims 4 uses python ;))

    3. Pphelix


      Well since you liked the feedback aspect you could venture into other games as some others suggested. You've got the likes of Minecraft, CSGO, games that support Oxide - http://docs.oxidemod.org/7-days-to-die/#advanced-get-method, Black Ops 3 etc.. If you have interest in a particular language just learn that language, I liked Python because of it's syntax so i started with Python.

      Should you want to learn a different language after learning one already, having that knowledge from the first language makes learning a new language a whole lot easier anyway, even the GSC will help you.

      Go based on what you want to do, My inspiration was Phaedrean's forest generation video and I made a basic command type program, then i added GUI and more capabilities.

    4. Darmuh


      thanks for all the suggestions guys. Im kinda busy in the process of moving but once the move is over and i'm settled I'll definitely be looking into some of this stuff :)

  2. Using other people's work as a foundation for your own and giving credit for said foundation is almost a textbook example of how Linux and most other open-source projects work in the real world.  But that's really none of my business is it.

    1. Show previous comments  16 more
    2. siikdude
    3. Darmuh


      its not illegal for the mod to exist, it's illegal for the mod to be sold.

      2 different things

    4. siikdude


      Wow I thought it was 4 different things 

  3. Why are my only options for this always or not now?

    Need a never option watdefak

    1. jwofles


      lol i thought you used chrome?

    2. Darmuh


      @jwofles nah i switched to firefox a while back for better perfomance

  4. the fuck is this lol

    1. MiKeY


      No clue. What did you do?

    2. siikdude


      lol this is fuck the

  5. Is it possible to add the surf movement from slaya's new mod to a deathrun? I'd honestly consider redownloading cod4 if I could bhop/strafe like in cs while still being able to bounce like in cod4

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. siikdude


      its just some friendly banter :)

    3. Darmuh


      i cant guarantee you'd get more players or that it'd even turn out good. Just saying I'd definitely check it out if you did

    4. MiKeY
  6. am yellow/orange now

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Tilak
    3. Caspa
    4. Twix


      thought you were talking Donald Trump kind of orange before i noticed your name

  7. Its crazy how much running this forum and the old servers prepared me for being an IT

  8. jwofles, aspire to edit as well as this guy

    1. jwofles


      fuckk, people this good make me cry ;-;

      3d is something so hard to learn, it hurts my brain thinking how people do everything

      i also want the skills of this dude

    2. siikdude


      This guy left because he got a job animating

  9. I can just about count the days I have left on my hands :X

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Darmuh
    3. Kratos


      Is it temporary? If it is i wish you luck and hope you do well :)

    4. Darmuh


      I signed for 6 years active + 2 non-active

  10. editing is fun -

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. jwofles


      all I do is velocity and everyone else can do that.

      but yea I lost all my creativity but I kinda wish I could make another edit that was so damn generic

    3. Darmuh


      well if you're up for it get hlae and edit some pro demos.

      You can edit basically any of the G2 games from the recent major and make a sick frag video. And with hlae you can make cinematics straight out of the demo with mirv_campath.

      There's loads of tutorials on youtube about it

    4. Darmuh


      and trust me, with awp clips its so easy to transition between shots

      just wait till they're scoped max pinch pan out, then no pinch pan to normal scope. Or punch a little and pan in a bit then go back to normal

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Darmuh


      that shot only had 1 kill in it bud lol

    3. Darmuh


      I used hlae to keep the killfeed up in my edit. Looks cleaner that way

    4. BosnianArmy
  11. who wants this shit http://i.imgur.com/tykAjB9.png

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Conker


      i'd like to thank my console peasantry for making me quick like the flash

    3. siikdude





    4. BosnianArmy


      @Darmuh invalid, Siikdude was first on this website :troll:

  12. talking with beatthat about dreamhack cluj xD http://pastebin.com/cvY4CYi3

    1. Tilak


      i barely made to bronze lol D: rip skins

    2. Beatthat


      You forgot the last bit, you nub

  13. that awkward moment when your bogus predictions are all coming true https://twitter.com/DarmuhTV/status/659295208023027712

    1. Tinman


      Meh, happy for LG but fnatic threw that game away.

  14. looks like we're not makin playoffs. Oh well, least i had some fun

    1. SPi


      Yeah. Fun sometimes is all that's worth it.

    2. jwofles
    3. Moseph


      Unlucky, better luck next time!

  15. Won our match today making us 8-4 thus far. Last season we ended up 7-9 so this REALLY feels good. Hope we can keep it up :D

  16. guess who got an early access code to play the battlefront beta early? ^.^ http://i.imgur.com/JQa79Gf.png

  17. When i'm rich i'm hitting this up for all my rich man skin deals http://csgo.steamanalyst.com/hotdeals

    1. BosnianArmy


      Awesome, and I saw a name named Bexi in the comments lmao

    2. Darmuh


      annnnnd patched

    1. iMtroll


      loool, not the same people though ^^

    2. Darmuh


      just thought it was weird seeing that name in the scrim browser xD

  18. pugged against devilwalk (old fnatic coach) with professor chaos (elevate player) on my team. Can safely say I have one-deagd devilwalk :D https://play.esea.net/index.php?s=stats&d=match&id=5190180

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Tinman


      "Bravado lmao" Your point?

    3. siikdude


      bravado is shit

    4. Tinman


      As a team, yes. But individually, they are as good if not better than some Tier 1 EU and certainly NA teams. They simply don't have the time and resources/funding to practice many hours together.