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About Darmuh

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  • Birthday 06/18/95

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  1. whats something I can do to further my interest in coding? Looking back I really enjoyed scripting for cod4 because of the instant feedback it provides in that you can see your changes in-game. But, I have no interest in ever playing/modding cod4 again... Any suggestions/ideas?

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. jwofles


       just this is ultra cool tbh

    3. MiKeY


      GSC has changed man. Its changed. Na, Its had a considerable boost but is still not amazingly complex. It will be the easiest route though. Also get on ts. 

    4. Beatthat


      Depends what kind of language you wanna do?

      I really like C# so I'd just say get visual studio and let your creativity be free. There're lots of tutorials / code snippets out there, so you can learn from that. Since you're pretty familiar with gsc, it shouldn't be too hard to get started with it. I believe you said that you were working with visual basic in the past? If so, then you already know how visual studio itself works.

      I'd suggest looking into it if you want to learn a C language since C# is probably the best option out there for beginners.

      If you want to create mods then do it like mikey said or you could wait for bo3 [ like waffles said ] and make shitty mods and maps with me <3

      Unity3d is also pretty nice if you wanna make some games written in C# or javascript, probably the easiest 'free' and more complex game engine to learn.

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