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About Darmuh

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  • Birthday 06/18/95

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  1. So 10 rounds each being 6 minutes is a total 60 minutes for one map. I think that's crazy.... I know some maps go by much quicker but overall I think the server would do well with a max of 4 rounds (not including practice round) per map. What do you guys think? (And yes I know the rotation needs updating I will do so soon)

    1. Show previous comments  11 more
    2. Zack


      Gotta agree with bear C:

    3. Darmuh


      @Wofles my aim is to make maps stay on-server for a shorter time as most people who play deathrun have already downloaded the maps. Introducing a special round in my opinion wouldnt make a map any more or less appealing.


      If you want something done it's best to do it yourself :P

    4. Dolph1n


      I think 6 rounds including a practice is a good option. However, if it was like this I think that there should be a set rotation instead of voting. There could also be a vote to skip the set map (like in MW2)

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