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About Darmuh

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  • Birthday 06/18/95

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  1. So 10 rounds each being 6 minutes is a total 60 minutes for one map. I think that's crazy.... I know some maps go by much quicker but overall I think the server would do well with a max of 4 rounds (not including practice round) per map. What do you guys think? (And yes I know the rotation needs updating I will do so soon)

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Darmuh


      Seems reasonable to me. However those in-server I spoke with slowly haggled to around 7 rounds. I may put this to a vote with 5 (including practice) being the lowest option and 7 being the highest and then advertise thru b3 on-server that a vote is going on about this. Personally I think this will help with people feeling like a map is overplayed since they will not have to sit thru 30+ mins of a single map. Perhaps further along the road we can even introduce a bonus round vote which is offe...

    3. jwofles


      5 is alright, maybe 6. < 5 would be annoying since it last 15 mins then you download a new map etc. > 6 is too long because I get soo bored at the moment on the server :c

      Maybe you could introduce special rounds where different dvars that change gameplay are on and it's different to a regular round, similar to this http://coderhire.com/browse/script/753/wyozi-ttt-events

    4. Arnold


      i'd say fak dr and fix glitches in fun fun instead >:C

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