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About Darmuh

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  • Birthday 06/18/95

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  1. Those of you playing CoD AW, can you tell me how you feel about this review? http://i.gyazo.com/044179bf6ba9cc719c500cb55049746f.png

    1. Show previous comments  25 more
    2. Darmuh


      Guess I'll have to drop the money anyway if I want to see for myself. Fun.

    3. PsychoBastard


      From what I gather the gameplay looks like it could be fun. If you don't have too many technical issues with it you might enjoy it. I really hope they release dedicated servers like they promised but even at that it won't be dedis like cod4 but rather for the matchmaking system like BO2. I'd drop $120 for 2 copies right now if they released cod4 type dedis.

    4. Cloudy


      Darmuh, what are your specs out of curiosity? I believe you'll enjoy this game, it's fun, and good, no it's not the best, but the gameplay is fluid, quick, and has very heavy action! If you like those types of games, then you'll like this. This is enough from me, I just am trying to push you to do it because I believe you'll enjoy it.

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