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About Darmuh

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  • Birthday 06/18/95

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  1. whats something I can do to further my interest in coding? Looking back I really enjoyed scripting for cod4 because of the instant feedback it provides in that you can see your changes in-game. But, I have no interest in ever playing/modding cod4 again... Any suggestions/ideas?

    1. Show previous comments  11 more
    2. jwofles


      sims 4 uses python ;))

    3. Pphelix


      Well since you liked the feedback aspect you could venture into other games as some others suggested. You've got the likes of Minecraft, CSGO, games that support Oxide - http://docs.oxidemod.org/7-days-to-die/#advanced-get-method, Black Ops 3 etc.. If you have interest in a particular language just learn that language, I liked Python because of it's syntax so i started with Python.

      Should you want to learn a different language after learning one already, having that knowledge from the first language makes learning a new language a whole lot easier anyway, even the GSC will help you.

      Go based on what you want to do, My inspiration was Phaedrean's forest generation video and I made a basic command type program, then i added GUI and more capabilities.

    4. Darmuh


      thanks for all the suggestions guys. Im kinda busy in the process of moving but once the move is over and i'm settled I'll definitely be looking into some of this stuff :)