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Everything posted by siikdude

    1. BosnianArmy


      WHY the fuck would you spend fucking 600 dollars on a simple t-shirt? lmfao, you put a brand on a 15 dollars t-shirt and boom it's 600 dollars lol.

    2. Cloudy


      It's what the world is nowadays.

    3. jeffskye


      Find the image and print it for like 20 on a shirt lol

    4. Show next comments  30 more
  1. not sure why im not ip banned anymore

  2. You should make it like verrukt. There will be 2 groups of jumpers in selerate rooms,etc. Maybe at some point the jumpers could be reunited
  3. gl sublime text
  4. hyperthreading in certain projects. I'm not bashing on xeons so either way whatever works, works
  5. From all I can gather from this thread, youre basically fedzor v2
  6. from what I read an i7 is 10% more powerful in certain projects. Not everyone has money for those kind of CPUs and would just get am i7
  7. Hmm. If he does AutoCAD IMO I would spend a bit extra for an i7
  8. lol. The reason why people do that is so they can get the back plate on.. Not everyone likes to stuff their wires in the front of the case like you clearly do
  9. Because people love looking at the back of their case right.
  10. I'd say you did a nice job with a non modular psu
  11. /s
  12. I always wanted to change them
  13. 2016 setup: cba to clean plastic wrap smudges
  14. >Use win 10 key on dad's pc

  15. Recently took apart my brothers computer and did some cable management because i was bored. I was horrified to what I first saw: Then after a hour I de-dusted the pc and did cable management. His case was a pain in the ass because it was mid tower and non modular psu ;_;
  16. adblock is free i suggest you get it
  17. Micro center. U.S. only
  18. Don't really think this thread was necessary as I think only me and you have this game on this forum lmao but anyways here are some screens:
  19. havent heard this song since 2011 k e k
  20. imgur really hates cod 4 maps
  21. money