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Everything posted by siikdude

  1. So being a complete nub like I am, I forgot how to add sounds(music ;_;) to a map. Can someone plz help me. I remeber some stuff on how to do it but I forgot most steps. :love:

    1. atrX


      I judge, you nub. :C

    2. siikdude


      Nevermind, i found a tut. But its a different way then what i used to do before

    3. Rescue Fox

      Rescue Fox

      Show me the tut!!!

    4. Show next comments  108 more
  2. I like the idea of the map. Im going to make a WIP post about my map but im stuck on a error ;(. My map is somewhat similar to ur idea but not really.
  3. Ok but I won't be able to access my computer until Monday.
  4. Thank you Bear for my wonderful new background:
  5. Oh I didn't see sorry. Eh I guess I'll keep the thread up.
  6. Better watch out staab. That vid might get a copyright strike :troll:
  7. Hai Zeus :>
  8. They should def pay for the damage. They did it afterall. Its like going to a store and breaking something and not paying for it.
  9. Chris, i had dreams about you when you left. Now that you're back I feel happy again. Chris is love. Chris is life.
  10. What kind of bulldogs are those?
  11. Already having 900 hours into deathrun I wish I could leave but I always find myself playing it again ;__;. I don't have the same feels as I did when I first started playing deathrun a year ago. THE FEELS MAN. Fokkin playing a overplayed Wingzor map and being a total noob. I wish I still had that.
  12. I remember you in the server a long time ago :happycry:
  13. What language did you script this in?
  14. Good luck
  15. Bananas
  16. Stop hating, hater
  17. Post
  18. Huehuehue
  19. :no:
  20. huehue sacheal. welcome :ph34r:
  21. m8 il wrek u if u say that to me again :sponge:
  22. Once i get my 780ti ill update this thread
  23. LOL