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Status Replies posted by siikdude

  1. Got an interview at the Burger King tomorrow !!!!!! :D Wish me luck guize !!!!!!!! ;D

  2. Got an interview at the Burger King tomorrow !!!!!! :D Wish me luck guize !!!!!!!! ;D

  3. this is how i play cod4 on my pc that doesn't have a gpu.
  4. bear going back to forest, will b gone for unknown amount of days/weeks/months :ph34r:

  5. MY CSGO GOT VAC'd FOR USING A CUSTOM CROSSHAIR IM DONE, its the only thing that i've ever used an .exe for and it suits my account is under review due to suspicious/disallowed content. fml.

  6. MY CSGO GOT VAC'd FOR USING A CUSTOM CROSSHAIR IM DONE, its the only thing that i've ever used an .exe for and it suits my account is under review due to suspicious/disallowed content. fml.

  7. Just got a Sapphire R7 260X for 200$ !!!!!!!! :D

  8. Just got a Sapphire R7 260X for 200$ !!!!!!!! :D

  9. Just got a Sapphire R7 260X for 200$ !!!!!!!! :D

  10. Just got a Sapphire R7 260X for 200$ !!!!!!!! :D

  11. Just got a Sapphire R7 260X for 200$ !!!!!!!! :D

  12. Just got a Sapphire R7 260X for 200$ !!!!!!!! :D

  13. Just got a Sapphire R7 260X for 200$ !!!!!!!! :D

  14. Just got a Sapphire R7 260X for 200$ !!!!!!!! :D

  15. Just got a Sapphire R7 260X for 200$ !!!!!!!! :D

  16. Just got a Sapphire R7 260X for 200$ !!!!!!!! :D

  17. Eating my Borscht with @PC lulz

  18. so we had an alert in the entire north side of israel (witch means this side is getting bombed), and it was just a dumbfuck who turned on the alert. fuck this, im moving to canada.

  19. ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ