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Status Replies posted by siikdude

  1. Damn my Steam wallet is running low :(

  2. Damn my Steam wallet is running low :(

    1. siikdude


      do you have any reasons for using steam wallet? I hate money that's restricted to only one platform

    2. (See 8 other replies to this status update)

  3. Getting real tired of seeing posts about the EU, whether you voted Leave or whether you voted Stay, can you keep your opinion to yourself instead of hating anyone that voted differently? We're all here to game, not fucking cry over who voted what

  4. i usually hate forcing my opinion on others but everybody who's british go here please.

    1. siikdude


      so if i got it right, if the same situation happened in US, would it be like having to have passports to enter a new state?

    2. (See 18 other replies to this status update)

  5. i usually hate forcing my opinion on others but everybody who's british go here please.

    1. siikdude


      Yea I educated myself the last hour. You guys really played yourself

    2. (See 18 other replies to this status update)

  6. i usually hate forcing my opinion on others but everybody who's british go here please.

    1. siikdude


      Can I have a eli5. I thought it would be better to leave the union

    2. (See 18 other replies to this status update)

  7. Sent to my little sister and heard her scream from upstairs a few minutes later, gg

  8. Just installed my new motherboard, cpu and ram :D

  9. Just installed my new motherboard, cpu and ram :D

  10. Is it possible to add the surf movement from slaya's new mod to a deathrun? I'd honestly consider redownloading cod4 if I could bhop/strafe like in cs while still being able to bounce like in cod4

  11. Im so sorry for anything who happened in the PAST - Raid -

  12. Is it a private thing to know one anothers' feelings about candidates or are you open to who you support. If the latter, who are you set to vote for, Muricans?

    1. siikdude


      I'm not old enough to vote but If I was, I wouldn't vote. If I was forced to vote then I would vote for Hillary.

    2. (See 8 other replies to this status update)

  13. When they born me they said: “love every one” and know that I love frenzied they are saying: “forget”

  14. When they born me they said: “love every one” and know that I love frenzied they are saying: “forget”

    1. siikdude


      doesnt that defeat the purpose of trying to prove that the muslim religion is nice

    2. (See 33 other replies to this status update)

  15. When they born me they said: “love every one” and know that I love frenzied they are saying: “forget”

    1. siikdude


      you would want to kill me because of something about your religion?

    2. (See 33 other replies to this status update)

  16. When they born me they said: “love every one” and know that I love frenzied they are saying: “forget”

  17. When they born me they said: “love every one” and know that I love frenzied they are saying: “forget”

  18. When they born me they said: “love every one” and know that I love frenzied they are saying: “forget”

  19. Is it a private thing to know one anothers' feelings about candidates or are you open to who you support. If the latter, who are you set to vote for, Muricans?

  20. Is it a private thing to know one anothers' feelings about candidates or are you open to who you support. If the latter, who are you set to vote for, Muricans?

  21. When they born me they said: “love every one” and know that I love frenzied they are saying: “forget”

  22. when nabs start to sweat when they see the question on the exam paper, you know your fucked...

  23. Writing 2 exam papers tomorrow: Family law and Psychology. Guess i'm having a all nighter 8)

    1. siikdude


      My school this year is not doing finals idk y. But great

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  24. After three days of being sick enough that I've had to remain in my bed the entire time, I'm finally well enough to walk. Unfortunately, my parents took that as I'm good enough to go to school again. Time to fall into a coma during history