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Status Replies posted by siikdude

  1. Swagdog has downvoted almost every single one of my posts ;-;

  2. My map is doing great so far, couldn't have done this without zack or sentrex :>

  3. My map is doing great so far, couldn't have done this without zack or sentrex :>

  4. Most common thing I say while watching anime "She wants the D!!!!!"

  5. Most common thing I say while watching anime "She wants the D!!!!!"

  6. Whats on my Mind?... Hmmm, Best i can think about is Square Melons

  7. @swagdog y u hatin? down voting some of my posts for no reason make me cri

  8. So being a complete nub like I am, I forgot how to add sounds(music ;_;) to a map. Can someone plz help me. I remeber some stuff on how to do it but I forgot most steps. :love:

  9. So being a complete nub like I am, I forgot how to add sounds(music ;_;) to a map. Can someone plz help me. I remeber some stuff on how to do it but I forgot most steps. :love:

  10. going away for a week, bye... :'c

  11. *starts mapping* I have no idea what I'm doing.

  12. aaaaand last day of Year 12 in school. Year 13 starts September.... WHICH IS THE LAST YEAR OF SCHOOL; I feel old D:

  13. to the people that get mad when they get actied on or when its not free in deathrun.... i hate you

  14. Would people want easy trap functions? Like RotateTrap, MoveTrap, etc. that are prescripted by me? Cuz... I could do that.

  15. *has -2 on profile* *cries because everyone hates me*

  16. So mp_dr_twitch is basically done. Did a lot of public bugtesting on the deathrun server. What's left is really just fine tuning ^.^

  17. Done with school!

  18. i can't get Xfire to install on my computer :(

  19. Which GFX card I should buy?

  20. Which GFX card I should buy?

  21. Which GFX card I should buy?