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Status Replies posted by siikdude



  3. Anyone who's wondering about the website from Xenia-Gaming, the website will go down for some time. I will reinstall the whole website to let it be fresh and nice, no errors or any mistakes. Delete this status if you think this is advertising.

  4. not to be a shill / but overwatch is good and / you should buy it now

  5. not to be a shill / but overwatch is good and / you should buy it now

  6. I sometimes question if high school freshman are just three five year olds stacked on each other's shoulders. With the mess they leave in the bathrooms and high pitch noise they create, seems like the most reasonable conclusion

  7. I sometimes question if high school freshman are just three five year olds stacked on each other's shoulders. With the mess they leave in the bathrooms and high pitch noise they create, seems like the most reasonable conclusion

  8. I sometimes question if high school freshman are just three five year olds stacked on each other's shoulders. With the mess they leave in the bathrooms and high pitch noise they create, seems like the most reasonable conclusion

  9. I sometimes question if high school freshman are just three five year olds stacked on each other's shoulders. With the mess they leave in the bathrooms and high pitch noise they create, seems like the most reasonable conclusion

    1. siikdude


      so jwofles if i remember correctly ur 14 right? u would be a freshmen still

    2. (See 16 other replies to this status update)

  10. I sometimes question if high school freshman are just three five year olds stacked on each other's shoulders. With the mess they leave in the bathrooms and high pitch noise they create, seems like the most reasonable conclusion

    1. siikdude


      i understand some schools do it differently but thats the nation wide and most used one

    2. (See 16 other replies to this status update)

  11. I sometimes question if high school freshman are just three five year olds stacked on each other's shoulders. With the mess they leave in the bathrooms and high pitch noise they create, seems like the most reasonable conclusion

    1. siikdude


      Freshmen are 14-15. Sophomores are 15-16. Juniors are 16-17. Seniors are 17-18. After that is college

    2. (See 16 other replies to this status update)

  12. I sometimes question if high school freshman are just three five year olds stacked on each other's shoulders. With the mess they leave in the bathrooms and high pitch noise they create, seems like the most reasonable conclusion

    1. siikdude


      twix are u on crack freshmen are not 12-13 lol thats middle school

    2. (See 16 other replies to this status update)

  13. First Anti, then Caspa, then Triton and now Mo?! :cry:

  14. Was playing Star Wars RP on GMOD. They take it very seriously

  15. Was playing Star Wars RP on GMOD. They take it very seriously

  16. Got rekt by the history of law test... Fck you Roman people

  17. Got rekt by the history of law test... Fck you Roman people

  18. Got rekt by the history of law test... Fck you Roman people

  19. gearbox just confirmed they are working on borderlands 3 now

  20. gearbox just confirmed they are working on borderlands 3 now

  21. Yeah............Rumors.

  22. Finally got myself Shadowmourne ._.
  23. just did a hella fucking homo 69 with someone ngl was pretty good lmao

  24. Has anyone played Overwatch? And would you recommend it?