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Status Updates posted by siikdude

  1. gearbox just confirmed they are working on borderlands 3 now

    1. Anti


      Didn't Anthony and Paul leave though? From what I remember in articles about 1 & 2, they were huge contributors to the creation and writing of the games.

    2. siikdude


      The writer from BL1 is coming back

    3. Anti


      Ah, hopefully it turns out well

    4. Show next comments  12 more
  2. Got the samsung note 5 and I recommend it alot. Andriod 5.1 is great with awesome 1440p display

    1. siikdude


      Only downside is no sd slot or removable battery

    2. BosnianArmy


      You can remove it but how :P, the battery

  3. Holy shit my rep is green gg boys

    1. Tinman


      That can change :dave:

    2. BosnianArmy


      And now help me to go under 400 reps, almost did it :rage:

    3. atrX


      You already are below 400 Bosnian. :dave:

  4. I accidently hit my macro whilst the status update was open and it wont let me delete them. I am truly sorry. Someone please delete them. I'll keep trying to delete them

    1. DeadEcho


      No problem, I deleted all of them :)

  5. I like how the nubmins didn't delete all of the post I did by accident on the wallpaper thread

  6. i think im addicted to steam trading cards

    1. siikdude


      +thanks for all the people who commented on my last update. I will be playing the betas

    2. Cloudy


      what steam trading cards do you want? I have a few on both accounts I have (bout 20 all together) and can give you all of them if you want.

    3. Spencer


      dibs on those cloudy

  7. ive always wondering wtf this is supposed to be

    1. West


      It's an elderly person, because get it? Most old people are retired.

    2. MiKeY


      I sketched it using this as a reference.

    3. siikdude


      i figured but wasnt sure lol

  8. just got windows 10 and it is amazing.

    1. Spencer


      literally waiting for mine to finish with its Getting Ready bullshit

    2. Spencer


      ok finally I got it and so far its amazing

    3. Le Plut0

      Le Plut0

      as i predicted c: getting it.

  9. Just noticed today is my cakeday on reddit :wub:

  10. just saw a kid in front of my house get arrested for smoking weed and there was 3 cop cars...america

    1. Moseph
    2. Triton
    3. siikdude


      there was 2 kids. they got pulled over when they were in their car. they looked 17-18

    4. Show next comments  12 more
  11. Just saw the signatures for C:GO and i think they are pretty cool. May buy one and put it on a gun

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Tinman


      Then that informed individual is an "informed individual" ^^

    3. Darmuh


      or he's just talking out of his ass ;)

      The old items just get updated to the new look, i had a griffin before the update; it just got updated to look like the new one

    4. Tinman


      I just wanted to believe it... had a Device sticker :/

    5. Show next comments  12 more
  12. mfw google fiber is available in states like north carolina but not new york

  13. mfw im #1 on and i backspace by accident

  14. mfw kid turns bunsen burner knob other way and rips out the tube in chemistry

    1. Tilak
    2. siikdude


      But in reality if the fire caught on the natural gas there would of been a fire explosiin

    3. ~Budzy~
    4. Show next comments  12 more
  15. Minecraft shaders are so beautiful but 30 fps isnt :<

  16. my brother just unboxed a factory new bayonet doppler :///

    1. jwofles


      go on his comp and send it to yourself

    2. Cloudy


      lmao, i'd do that

  17. My CS:GO Inventory: Its a beauty.

    1. Darmuh


      that's all from case openings? How much have you spent on keys? Any less than $100 I'd say you're one lucky SOB. Here's mine just from betting (every case I opened gave me crap skins)

    2. Tinman
    3. Tilak


      dayum son mine is empty lmao

  18. not sure why im not ip banned anymore